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The joy of returning

Update: 30-10-2021 | 19:20:19

After the epidemic was controlled, many businesses resumed operations, and workers were excited to continue working and making a living. In life in the "new normal", workers both work and always raise their awareness of Covid-19 prevention and control.

The tenants are calling for workers to stay robust in Covid-19 prevention and control in the new normal

The joy of work

Unlike the mornings of the complicated epidemic months and social distancing having to stay in the rooms, one morning in mid-October, the streets were more crowded with cars when many workers came to the company, factories and enterprises to start production. A row of motels in Binh Phuoc A neighborhood at Binh Chuan ward in Thuan An city seems to be more lively when many workers away from home are happy in the stable epidemic situation and the company's operation.

Ms. Nguyen To Thi, a native of Bac Lieu, was able to wear a worker's shirt every day, but she felt extremely excited in her heart. For her, after many days, the work shirt lying in a corner of the cabinet has now seemed to become "newer". In the same hostel with her, many workers are working in the same company. Everyone is like her, going back to work is not only "stretchy" but also a joy when Binh Duong overcomes the hard time of the epidemic and workers away from home can step out of the small and narrow accommodation to adjust to the new normal.

In the better mood of returning to work, workers and workers away from home will feel secure when they have stable income to get through life. Despite the masks covering their faces, everyone felt happy to see their friends again at the companies. Mr. Nguyen Trong Tuan, a worker staying in Di An ward of Di An city, said: "During the days of staying in the room, I just wanted the epidemic to end quickly so I could go to work. In the epidemic period, I appreciate the moment even more. Going to work is sometimes tiring but still more fun to meet people and earn.”

In addition to the joy of returning to work, employees have also been greatly encouraged when they have overcome the difficult time of the epidemic. From the time, it starts with effort, trying to rise up in labor. For more than a week now, in addition to working at the company, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thom, a worker staying in Lai Thieu ward of Thuan An city also took advantage of the processing to work part-time. She said: “Because some workers returned to their hometown, there was a shortage of workers in a garment factory near the accommodation, so I received the goods and took advantage of the evening time to do outsourcing to have more income to cover my family and continue the rhythm of life with the joy of labor.”

Awareness raising high at all time

Although the Covid-19 epidemic has been controlled, the prevention of the epidemic and the spirit of not being subjective and negligent still require workers to raise their awareness. Experiencing the complicated epidemic, the life of workers away from home has become very hard, especially for those with unstable incomes and with great mental losses and a lot of pressure. Ms. Le Thi Anh, living in Thuan Giao ward of Thuan An city, said: “The epidemic has made it difficult for many workers away from home. Even though everyone has been vaccinated, they still have to be aware of the disease prevention. We have a small child who is not old enough to be vaccinated, so I am very worried and try to prevent Covid-19 at all time. The benefits of workers when preventing disease, in the immediate future, are that the company will work well and then that I will go to work and support my family. So, everyone needs to take the initiative to prevent the disease for themselves and for the community."

According to the practice in some localities with many hostels, there are still cases of workers staying positive for Covid-19 and being quarantined at the motel rooms. Ms. Tran Thi Lien, a resident worker in Thai Hoa ward of Tan Uyen town, said: “Everyone is happy that the epidemic is under control, especially the tenants being able to go out comfortably in their living space as they adapt safely. It depends on the individual. People should not neglect the prevention because health is more important."

Sharing about this, Mr. Tran Van Len, a worker staying in Uyen Hung Ward of Tan Uyen town, said: “In my friend's dormitory, there is infection. Therefore, everyone going out or staying in the motel room should also wear mask when interacting with others. Wearing a mask should become a habit, now it is an inseparable object. If people rely on having 2 doses of vaccine and think that if they are infected, it will be as mild as the flu, they should look at the nature of community transmission, especially among young children. No matter how much or how little, it will affect your life. Therefore, employees must always uphold the spirit of disease prevention and control so as not to affect their health; and at the same time, to voluntarily and strictly comply with the regulations to ensure that the disease would not spread to other people.”

Reported by K. Tuyen – Translated by Vi Bao

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