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Thoroughly solve problems, overcome challenges, encourage education development

Update: 18-04-2023 | 10:46:48

On April 17, a delegation of Ministry of Education and Training led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Kim Son, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Education and Training, had a meeting with Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee on education training activities in the province. Co-chairing the working session was Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Head of Provincial National Assembly Delegation. Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; and representatives of departments, localities, and universities in the province also attended the meeting.

Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son learns about products from scientific research activities of Thu Dau Mot University.

 Affirming its position in the country

Over the years, education training branch in the province has made continuous efforts, implemented many creative and effective solutions, contributed to improving the quality of education training in a sustainable way; thereby affirming the position of education training branch of Binh Duong province in comparison with other provinces and cities nationwide.

Up to now, the provincial system of schools and classes has basically met the learning needs of children. Binh Duong meets national standards of level-two illiteracy eradication, completed illiteracy eradication; achieved universalization of primary education at level 3, universalization of junior high school education at level 2, and meet standards on universalization of preschool education for 5-year-old children. From 2018 to now, the province has always been among the country’s top provinces in terms of high school graduation quality. In 2022, the entire education training branch made unremitting efforts to overcome difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, maintain the quality and effectiveness of teaching. Binh Duong ranked 3/63 provinces and cities in terms of average scores of high school graduation exams, the percentage of candidates passing graduation reached 99.75%, the average score of 7/9 subjects was in the top 10; university admission rate in 2022 ranked first in the country (67.42%). The results of the national exam to select excellent students in the past three years showed encouraging results, every year won more than 30 prizes.

At the meeting, Minister Nguyen Kim Son recognized and appreciated the attention and investment of provincial leaders in the cause of education and training. In order for Binh Duong to continue to develop in a sustainable and quality manner, education training issues need to be solved thoroughly, overcome challenges to have good results. In the coming time, the province needs a breakthrough investment to meet the needs and implement the 2018 general education program. In addition, Binh Duong needs to continue to accelerate the socialization of education but must strengthen control and management of the non-public education system. The province also needs to increase attention and support in the right way, with the right methods and development orientation to higher education to get the best human resources to serve the local development...

Education is always an investment priority

Nguyen Van Phong, Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Education and Training, reported that the whole province currently has 730 schools and centers of all levels. In addition, the province has 579 independent and private preschool educational institutions; 3 foreign-invested schools. The total number of students at all levels from kindergarten to high school in the province is 511,953; total number of public employees and employees of the whole sector is 20,044. There are currently 8 universities in the province, including 3 non-public schools with a total student population of 31,543.

Provincial People's Committee has focused all investment resources on education training activities, which focusing on fundamental and comprehensive innovation and improving the quality of teaching and learning. In the 2011-2022 period, the province's investment in solidification of schools and classrooms was made to ensure enough learning places for children and students at all levels, making an important contribution to improving the quality of education and ensuring the sustainable education development for the province.

By May 2022, the province arranged and invested in building 265 school projects with a total cost of 12,842,279 billion VND (average 1,070,189 billion VND/year). 100% of schools in the province are solid constructions, of which 315/392 public schools and centers have been renovated, reaching the rate of 80.35%. The province has also invested in advanced and modern teaching equipment meeting teaching requirements by experiential and creative methods and supporting students to access 4.0 technology.

In addition to the good results, provincial education training branch also faces many difficulties and challenges, such as: the rapid mechanical population growth leads to increased pressure on local social security, especially on how to meet the learning needs of workers’ children. School facilities and teaching equipment in some localities, although newly built and supplemented every year, have not yet responded well to the increase in student numbers and have not responded in time to the renovation process.  The shortage of teachers due to limited recruitment resources in the province still exists…

At the meeting, Nguyen Van Loi respectfully thanked the support and assistance of Ministry of Education and Training for Binh Duong in the past time. The Secretary of Provincial Party Committee said that Binh Duong has made great efforts in educational development and initially achieved important results. However, the province must not be subjective and complacent with the results achieved. Currently, Binh Duong is developing a provincial integrated plan for 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, in which education is always a priority investment field.

The Provincial Party Secretary asked departments and localities to seriously absorb opinions of the delegation to advise Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and Provincial People's Committee to effectively implement education training tasks in the province. At the same time, Provincial People's Committee and Department of Education and Training need to continue to review and allocate resources, especially on land; have mechanisms and policies to increase investment in education to ensure human resources for the development of the province.

 Reported by Hong Phuong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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