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Three unity houses donated to the poor

Update: 03-08-2010 | 00:00:00

Dinh Hoa ward’s People’s Committee handed over three unity houses worth VND25mln or VND30mln each to poor households of Dang Van An, Truong Thi Binh and Cao Trieu Truong in the ward.


A unity house handed over to Cao Trieu Cuong’s household at quarter 7, Dinh Hoa commune, TDM town


Among the total cost for these houses, VND60mln was contributed by Binh Duong Lottery One-Member Co.Ltd., VND15mln came from Nam Hiep One-Member Co.Ltd. and the remainders from the above families.


It is known that over the past time, Binh Duong Lottery One-Member Co.Ltd. actively got involved in social and charity activities, including building and donating unity and gratitude houses, granting scholarships to poor-but-excellent pupils.


Reported by Thoai Phuong-Translated by K.T

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