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Thu Dau Mot city launches coordination for legal education and dissemination in 2024

Update: 29-02-2024 | 14:29:02

On February 28, the Coordinating Council for Legal Education Promotion of Thu Dau Mot city organized a conference to deploy judicial activities and coordinate legal education promotion in 2024.

In 2023, the city's Coordinating Council for Propaganda and Education on Law successfully organized 2,368 propaganda campaigns with over 145,000 participants. The forms of propaganda are diverse, such as: through mass media; in-depth training conferences; grassroots reconciliation; online competitions. The content of legal education focuses on laws, ordinances, decrees, and new effective documents to be enforced in 2023. The legal reporting team of the city currently has 35 legal reporters, 550 propagandists, 118 reconciliation teams with 777 grassroots reconciliation officers. The reconciliation rate in 2023 was 100%

In 2024, the city's Coordinating Council for Propaganda and Education on Law continues to enhance the application of information technology in legal education activities; diversify forms of propaganda, suitable for the new situation, for each target group to attract people to learn and improve legal knowledge; at the same time, maintain the organization of training classes, training for conciliators, propaganda skills for the team of reporters and grassroots propaganda forces to maintain the conciliation rate. The city's Coordinating Council for Propaganda and Education on Law has compiled Q&A and leaflets on various fields to service the law dissemination among the public.

On this ocassion, Thu Dau Mot city awards merit certificates to collectives and individuals of great contributions to the law education and dissemination in 2023.

Reported by Quynh Anh – Translated by Vi Bao

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