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Thu Dau Mot Cultural and Culinary Week 2023 to extend jubilant and sense-making services to locals

Update: 30-08-2023 | 15:07:22

The on-going Thu Dau Mot Cultural and Culinary Week 2023 at Thu Dau Mot Park with animated activities and meaningful services to locals is the regular event held by Thu Dau Mot city People’s Committee in a bid to create a playground and services to locals and visitors to Thu Dau Mot in terms of culinary and recreational enjoyment.

Fascinating and attractive

Thu Dau Mot Cultural and Culinary Week 2023 is one of the cultural activities celebrating the 78th anniversary of August Reolution, National Day of September 2, and the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Thu Dau Mot city Party Committee, which, organizers said is to create a space of culture and festivals welcoming the major celebrations of the nation, the province, and Thu Dau Mot city and to continually broadcast the images, services, and products to people all around. The week is also an opportunity for business organizations and individuals to introduce their village crafts, foods, services, produces, and tours in meeting and exchanging with the public and visitors from all around the province. 

The crowded visiting diners are at Thu Dau Mot Park to taste specialities in the atmosphere of Thu Dau Mot Cultural and Culinary Week 2023

As planned, the week is open to serve from 8 to 23 hours daily until September 3 in order to attract and serve the needs of people from all walks of life with many exciting and meaningful fun activities during the National Day holiday of September 2 this year. In the space of the week, more than 40 stalls serving dishes, drinks, handicraft products, household items are present in addition to services of the wards in the area, contributing to creating richness of products meeting the diverse needs of visitors.

Meaningful activities

In recent days, especially after the opening ceremony on the evening of August 26, many people inside and outside the locality have come to the weekend space to have fun, enjoy foods, and shop for goods, especially on the weekends. In the evenings, free art performances are held at the park's main stage. Everyone is excited and makes an appointment to come here to have fun and enjoy the foods.

Vu Thi Yen, in Quarter 5 of Hiep Thanh ward in Thu Dau Mot city, said as her house is not far from Thu Dau Mot Park, she invited several families nearby to bring their children to enjoy the festival on learning that the Thu Dau Mot Cultural and Culinary Week 2023 is being held at the park. While buying cakes for her children at the stall, Yen said: "We are very happy that the park has community service activities like this. Hopefully in the future, the city will organize more cultural and entertainment activities so we can come and have fun more often."

Tran Bao Lam, Deputy Chairman of Thu Dau Mot city People's Committee, said that on the occasion, many activities in the city are to take care of and create conditions for, and especially to serve the needs of recreation and entertainment of the people. By organizing the Thu Dau Mot Cultural and Culinary Week 2023, the city hopes to create more meaningful playgrounds - the places for people, as well as officials, civil servants, and workers in the area to visit, enjoy dishes, participate in activities, and learn more about handicraft items that are typical of the regions and unique features of Thu Dau Mot city.

“This is one of the activities that city leaders are very interested in, especially after taking over the park from the business. The Organizing Committee has also thoroughly informed participating units to comply with regulations and ensure safety during the organization of activities. Displayed products and dishes served to diners must be of good quality as well as ensure food hygiene and safety and demonstrate the characteristics of each locality and unit participating in the week," Tran Bao Lam said.

The first time cultural week organized the city still prompt things to learn for the next events: Should there be more culinary stalls that represent the unique culinary culture of Thu Dau Mot city in future events as well as more typical handicraft stalls associated with the past, the process of forming and developing the land to be truly to a cultural and culinary week as its name suggests.

Thu Dau Mot Cultural and Culinary Week 2023 lasting from August 26 through September 2 to service from 8:00 to 23:00 daily with 40 store booths along with recreational activities for the public including foods, displays, and sales of products. In each night of the week, art performances are held on the main stage.

Reported by Hong Thuan - Translated by Vi Bao

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