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Thuan An city strives to become an urban - service civilized center

Update: 01-07-2023 | 13:07:54

Yesterday (June 30), Thuan An City Party Committee held a conference to review the half-term implementation of the 12th City Party Resolution. In the recent three years, in the general difficult context, Standing Board of Thuan An City Party Committee focused on leading and drastically directing the implementation of the resolution for the 2020-2025 term, achieved important results in various fields, many annual targets met and exceeded in comparison with the proposed plan.

Resolutely perform key tasks

Mr. Huynh Van Son, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council, said that to implement the 12th City Party Resolution, the City Party Committee renovated the leadership and direction to ensure logic, strict and correct regulations; focused on leading and directing the comprehensive and synchronous implementation of tasks of Party building, political system building, socio-economic development, national defense and security.

Thuan An City Party Committee developed four action programs to carry out key tasks, 28 plans to implement resolutions of Party congresses at all levels; at the same time, directed People's Committees, Party committees, agencies, departments, Fatherland Fronts and mass organizations in the city to concretize tasks, goals and base on the actual situation to propose appropriate plans and solutions, successfully carry out the tasks, to apply the resolutions into life. Most notably, the city performed well the prevention and control of the Covid-19; development and recovery of socio-economic development in the area; creating important and quite comprehensive changes in all fields, contributing to the effective implementation of tasks and targets set out by the 12th City Party Resolution. The city achieved and exceeded 20/26 targets of the resolution; in which 12/26 targets exceeded, 8/26 targets met and 6/26 targets are low.

Nguyen Hoang Thao (fifth, left) presents emulation flags and flowers to excellent collectives in emulation movements of Thuan An city.

Huynh Van Son added that the city's economic sectors continued to grow, the structure shifted to the right direction in accordance with the industrialization and urbanization process. In socio-cultural fields, the city also gained many important results. Social security policies, especially policies to support people and businesses facing difficulties due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the mobilization of resources to take care of people's lives are well implemented; the quality of education and training continues to be improved; people's lives are improved...

Additionally, the City Party Committee pays special attention to building a strong and clean Party. The quality of activities at grassroots Party organizations and party members has been gradually improved; timely prevent and repel the deterioration of political ideology, ethics and lifestyle, manifestations of "self-evolution", "self-transformation"...; strengthen unity within the Party. Government building, administrative reform, anti-corruption, thrift practice is put on top; administrative discipline is enhanced. The "All people protection national security" movement spreads and promotes its strength. National defense and security are maintained, social order and safety are stable...

To achieve goals and fulfill tasks

Speaking at the conference, Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, acknowledged and appreciated the results achieved by the Party Committee of Thuan An City over the half term of the resolution.  Right from the beginning of the term, due to unpredictable developments and heavy influence of the Covid-19, during which Thuan An city was heavily affected, had to control the disease and do socio-economic recovery and development, stabilizing people's lives at the same time. Besides, the negative influence from the global economic recession, unstable effects of the global situation caused many difficulties to the implementation of tasks. However, promoting the revolutionary tradition, with the aspiration to rise up, high political determination, along with the efforts of the whole political system, business community and all classes of people, Thuan city An achieved and exceeded many targets set out in the resolution for the 2020-2025 term.

In order to successfully implement the 12th Thuan An City Party Resolution, for the 2020-2025 term, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Thao asked the city Party Committee to stick to the goals, tasks and solutions, uphold the spirit of initiative, creativity and flexibility in leadership, direction and administration. Namely, the city needs to focus on completing and announcing the adjustment of the general planning of Thuan An city until 2040 and implement relevant plans; coordinate with provincial departments and branches to implement the project of relocating manufacturing firms outside industrial zones to industrial zones in provincial northern localities. This will contribute to the transformation of production functions into commerce and services, and the formation of financial centers, urban centers, educational centers, and health care centers of the province in the direction of modernity, intelligence, and beautiful. The city needs to be drastic and responsible in implementing and speeding up the planned works for key projects of the province passing through the city, such as: Ring Road 3 Ho Chi Minh City, project of upgrading and expanding National Highway 13, Ho Chi Minh City - Thu Dau Mot - Chon Thanh expressway, Saigon riverside roads; building and developing cultural institutions...

Besides, the City Party Committee continued to effectively implement Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW of the Central Committee, Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of the 13th Politburo, and a resolution of the Provincial Party Committee on building a clean and strong Party, especially building culture and morality in the Party. The city continues to enhance administrative reform, review and simplify administrative procedures; strengthen the application of information technology, encourage people to use online public services; speed up the implementation of digital transformation, establish an Intelligent Operational Monitoring Center (IOC) and promote the effectiveness of community digital technology activities; continue to implement solutions to ensure national defense, political security, social order and safety, and protect the peaceful life of all people.

With solidarity and creativity of party members, people from all walks of life, together with the efforts and high political determination of the Party Committee and the government, Thuan An City will successfully carry out tasks and objectives set out by the 12th City Party Resolution; creating conditions for Thuan An to develop faster, more comprehensively, more sustainably, towards a civilized, modern, prosperous and beautiful city.

Reported by Do Trong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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