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Thuan An City sustains growth in difficult time

Update: 17-07-2020 | 15:57:20

 Over the first 6 months of 2020, the economy of Thuan An City continued to develop. The main indicators on industrial development, trade and services increased higher than the same period last year. Budget revenues and expenditures were carried out according to estimates. These results form the basis for the city to strive for socio-economic development targets and plans of 2020.

Over the first 6 months of 2020, the economic situation of Thuan An City continues to develop. In photo: Production line of Vietnam Soya Milk Company (VSIP 1).

 Spearhead economic sectors continues to grow

Nguyen Thanh Tam, Vice Chairman of Thuan An City People's Committee, said: “During the first 6 months of 2020, the City People's Committee focused on seriously, flexibly and promptly implementing directions of the Government, Provincial People's Committee, resolutions of the City Party Committee and People's Council in accordance with the actual situation of the city. The direction and administration closely followed central tasks, important and urgent contents, contributing to the good control of the Covid-19 epidemic and stabilizing the local socio-economic situation. Despite negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic situation continued to grow, main indicators of industrial development, trade and services increased higher than the same period last year; budget revenues and expenditures were carried out according to the estimates, economically and efficiently to meet the demand of budget-using units. "

Over the first 6 months of 2020, the value of industrial production in the area is estimated at VND 119,500 billion, up 7% over the same period last year, reaching 48% target of the City People's Council Resolution. Value increases happened in industries, such as food and beverage, footwear, garment, wooden furniture, metal products. The city registered 15 products to participate in the vote for model rural industrial products at the provincial level, got 7 winning products. The city is currently completing the dossier for regional contest. In addition, the city implemented a plan of scientific and technological development for the industrialization and modernization. The city's consumed electricity output is estimated at 1,355 billion Kw/h (down 4.95% over the same period), ensuring electricity supply for production, business and daily activities of the people.

Total retail sales of goods and services over the 6 months were estimated at 37,750 billion VND (up 17% over the same period last year), reaching 48% target of the City People's Council Resolution. There are more than 30,000 households doing business and service, 5 supermarkets, 7 shopping centers, 23 planned markets, 62 convenience stores, 46 cooperative groups and 3 affiliated groups with 442 members. The city issued 1,468 business registration certificates for households with a total capital of VND 206,818 billion. In addition, the city regularly carried out interdisciplinary inspection against smuggling, counterfeiting and commercial fraud; strengthened the management of essential commodities, stabilized the market in response to the Covid-19 epidemic.

Strive to complete targets

Nguyen Thanh Tam, Vice Chairman of Thuan An City People's Committee, said: “In order to successfully accomplish the objectives and tasks of socio-economic development, national defense and security in 2020, in addition to regular tasks, in the last 6 months of the year, Thuan An will focus on implementing main tasks and solutions of State budget estimates, and complete socio-economic targets in 2020; strive to collect budget to reach the assigned targets, well exploit sources directly collected by the city; strengthen the direction and management of State budget financial tasks under the direction of provincial People's Committee and the Prime Minister. Thuan An City will focus on balancing the budget to ensure the requirements of expenditure tasks, especially recurrent spending and urgent tasks of the city; implement the socio-economic development plan, budget revenue and expenditure estimates and capital construction investment in 2021”.

Thuan An City continues to provide assistance to businesses to improve competitiveness and economic integration; encourage industries to invest in concentrated industrial parks and clusters; heighten added value, invest in technological innovation, especially for many labor-intensive industries, such as textiles, footwear, wood processing etc. Thuan An City continues to attract investment with selective, prioritized investment projects using clean, advanced and environmentally friendly technologies. In addition, the city will have a solution to relocate production facilities causing environmental pollution in residential areas and urban areas.

In addition, Thuan An City focuses on attracting investment resources in service-trade network; creating good conditions for all economic sectors to invest in various types of services with high economic efficiency; well exploit the potential of river eco-tourism, and well manage the network of conventional markets and trade centers; trade and service development must go hand in hand with ensuring security, order and food safety, building a healthy and civilized business environment. At the same time, the city will strengthen inspection, control of the market, detect and promptly handle violations of laws, set up plan for reserving goods, stabilize essential commodities on the opening of new school year, year-end occasion, holidays, new year holidays...

Reported by Phuong Le - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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