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Thuan An City to assist enterprises in improving competitiveness

Update: 07-05-2020 | 11:12:46

To facilitate manufacture and export, Thuan An City has informed and communicated the content of free trade agreements (FTAs), while implementing many solutions to improve product value, labor productivity, stimulate the growth of industrial production in the area.

Production line at Esquel Vietnam Company, VSIP 1.

To focus on communication

Thuan An City pay attention to dissemination about Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement on Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTTP), Vietnam-Europe Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) to relevant subjects through many training classes and seminars. The main content is the impact on tariffs and the ability to export agricultural products to CPTPP partners, including factors such as collective trademarks, traceability, and product quality assurance.

In recent years, Thuan An City has assisted many enterprises to understand the state's policy on encouraging the development of enterprises; cooperated with relevant units to complete the registration and announcement of collective trademarks of model agricultural products, such as Lai Thieu mangosteen, Banh Beo My Lien, Hoa Tran milk tea; built up files on issuance of codes, barcodes for agricultural products having high economic values. Thereby, gradually building product brand names, serving the export activities, improving the value of products in the domestic and international markets, supporting the construction of e-commerce websites, participating in transactions, linking information mining on online trading floors of Binh Duong province; Promoting and introducing local model rural industrial products; Providing information on potential export items, the city's advantages to build market development programs.

To stimulate the industrial growth

Currently Thuan An City has 3 industrial parks with total area of 775 hectares, 2 industrial clusters of 113.5 hectares, occupancy rate of industrial parks and clusters reaches 100%, with 4,203 active enterprises. Concentrated industrial production prioritizes the development of industries with high, clean and environmentally friendly technologies, which contributed to maintaining the pace of local industry growth. Thuan An City also cares about the production and business activities of enterprises located in the area, learn about their difficulties and concerns for timely support.

Truong Cong Thach, Deputy Head of Thuan An City Economic Office, said: "Leadership of Thuan An City has directed the implementation of solutions to improve product value, labor productivity, strengthen promotion to distributors and consumers; joined hands with relevant units to support investment projects, machinery innovation, expansion of industrial production, craft industry, vocational training. Therefore, industrial and handicraft have sustained good growth, attracted many investment projects in fields of electricity, electronics, automobile transformation, contributing to improving the value of industrial production, craft industry in the area".

From the beginning of 2020, although enterprises have encountered certain difficulties due to Covid-19 pandemic, thanks to the supporting solutions of the local government, over the first quarter of 2020, the city's industrial production continued to grow. The value of industrial production in the city was VND57,100 billion, up 6.9% over the same period last year. In which, domestic businesses achieved VND17,500 billion, up 7% over the same period last year. Domestic businesses' production value accounted for 30.6% of total industrial production value in the area. Value increases happened in industries, such as food and beverage, footwear, garment,wooden furniture, metal products. FDI enterprises' production value is estimated at VND 39,600 billion, up 6.9% over the same period last year, accounting for 69.4% of total industrial production value in the city.

To heighten competitiveness

From now until late 2020, Thuan An City continues to provide assistance to businesses in administrative procedures and related legal policies to improve competitiveness and economic integration; Encourage industries to invest in concentrated industrial parks and clusters; Heighten added value, invest in technological innovation, especially for many labor-intensive industries, such as textiles, footwear, wood processing etc. Thuan An City continues to attract investment with selective, prioritized investment projects using clean, advanced and environmentally friendly technologies.

In addition, to improve competitiveness and branding of enterprises, business and industry associations need to provide counsel on business laws, knowledge of international economic integration, as well as experience of dealing with international lawsuits, trade barriers of export markets; to organize many trade-investment promotion programs by markets, industries and specific business areas to enhance accessibility to domestic and foreign markets. In addition, the associations need to strengthen its connecting between enterprises and regulatory bodies, facilitate the communication between member businesses; to enhance the dissemination of integration information about the legislation of countries, support branding activities...

On the other hand, enterprises need to strengthen connection and alliance, actively heighten production capacity, improve product quality and design to enhance competitiveness and branding, while increasing investment in supporting industry development, invest in raw materials cultivation areas to minimize the dependence on foreign suppliers. 

From the beginning of 2020, although enterprises have encountered certain difficulties due to Covid-19 pandemic, thanks to the supporting solutions of the local government, over the first quarter of 2020, the city's industrial production continued to grow. The value of industrial production in the city was VND57,100 billion, up 6.9% over the same period last year. In which, domestic businesses achieved VND17,500 billion, up 7% over the same period last year. Domestic businesses' production value accounted for 30.6% of total industrial production value in the area.

Reported by Phuong Le – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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