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Thuan An effectively realizes models on studying and following Uncle Ho’s teachings

Update: 03-05-2019 | 10:51:47

Implementing the Poliburo’s Directive No.05-CT/TW on acceleration of studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle is defined as a major and regular task by Thuan An town’s Party Committee in association with Party building.

Accordingly, many practical models have been promoted among officials, Party members and people. Noticeably, the Party Committee of Hung Dinh ward has so far built a Ho Chi Minh museum with 62 photos about his life and revolutionary career on display. The Women’s Union of Hung Dinh ward has also carried out a “Free supermarket” model. In addition, many other models, namely “Officials, civil servants are close to people”, “Joining hands to keep streets, villages and alleys clean”, “365 days following Uncle Ho’s teachings”, “Wastebasket for the environment”…are now under implementation.

With the above models, agencies and units in the town have step by step brought contents on late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle into the life of each official, Party member and people effectively and practically, thereby contributing to promoting patriotic emulation movements, building up a more civilized and modern Thuan An.

Reported by Ngoc Thanh-Translated by K.T

Thuan An
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