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Thuan An Town aims for type II urban area

Update: 09-07-2018 | 16:32:06

Thuan An Town Party Committee held a preliminary meeting in the midterm of implementation of the 11th Resolution of Party Congress of the Town for the term of 2015-2020 and assessment of the performance of socio-economic development tasks (socio-economic situation) in the first 6 months of 2018. Determining the economic development as the center, building the Party as the key, the Party Committee commits to carry out key tasks according to the proposed Resolution of the Party Congress, especially the breakthrough programs.

A corner of Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park. Photo: P.V

Economic growth rate maintained

During the half term, the Executive Committee of Thuan An Town Party Committee focused on directing the implementation of the main objectives of socio-economic development. Specifically, industrial production value reached VND 587,358 billion, an average increase of 9% per year, reaching the target set out. Also in this period, many indicators maintained the growth such as total value and retail sales and services reached 119,465 billion VND, an average increase of 23% per year; total state budget revenue has been achieved 10.256 billion, up 9% on average; Reducing the number of poor households. Thuan An town has been recognized as urban type III and has been striving for the end of 2018 to meet the criteria of urban type II. These indicators have confirmed the success in the real Resolution of the Town Party Committee in the last half term.

At the beginning of the tenure, the Standing Committee of the Town Party of Thuan An has developed seven action plans, 19 plans for the implementation of resolutions from personnel work to socio-economic development, urban construction. There are many programs of breakthrough such as programs on administrative reform associated with anti-corruption; urban agricultural development program; Program on development of cultural and information-sport activities in association with management, exploitation and use of cultural institutions in Thuan An Township in the 2016-2020. Le Quang Vinh, Deputy Secretary Thuan An Party Standing Committee said that from the beginning of term, Thuan An Town Party always determines the main and key contents to implement the resolution of Party Congress, the Standing Committee The Party has strongly decided to direct the agencies, branches and localities in the city to synchronously implement solutions on socio-economic development, the work of building the Party, Branches, communes and wards focus on completing annual resolutions. "Along with that, the mobilization of resources for development investment brings positive effects, socio-economic infrastructure is invested synchronously, the appearance of urban and rural areas is flourishing. Here is also the factor affecting the success, creating a new urban appearance for Thuan An Town," said Vinh.

Party construction aspects well implemented

Le Quang Vinh, deputy secretary of the provincial Party Committee of Thuan An, said that during the implementation of the resolution, the Party Committee had focused on leading and instructing branches and levels to implement the targets of the province, the resolutions of the Town Party Committee and the Town People's Council on the task of socio-economic development, national defense and security closely follow the objectives and tasks set. The Party Committee has focused on effective implementation of Directive No. 05-CT / TW on promoting the study and follow the ideology, ethics and style of Ho Chi Minh in association with the Resolution of the 4th plenum of the Party Central Committee; To intensify the Party's public relations work, internal affairs, anti-corruption, promote the dissemination of ideas and orientations for Party organizations, Party committees, cadres, party members and the masses. People are confident, excited about the achievements of the local development, believe in the leadership of the Party, the administration of the government.

In the work of building the political system, in parallel with the annual tasks, Thuan An Town Party will continue leading the implementation of the effective Resolution of the Fourth Plenum (XII) on strengthening building and rectifying the Party; to prevent, repel the degeneration of political ideology, morals, lifestyles, "self-evolving", "self-transform" manifestations and implementation of resolutions, Concluding the Central, Provincial of building political system. In the process of implementation, the Party Committee of Thuan An has instructed the Party Committees at all levels to strengthen the inspection and supervision. Specifically, the project "Organizing, streamlining the contingent of civil servants and part-time workers" piloted in Lai Thieu ward. The Standing Committee of the Town Party has asked the Party and local Party Committee to develop programs and plans for the implementation of the Resolution of the Party Congresses at all levels, strengthen the Party organization, attach importance to the development of Party and delegations. Corporations in enterprises outside the State

Le Quang Vinh acknowledged that the success of Thuan An in implementing the resolution objectives in the half term is thanks to the unity and unity of the entire Party; Climbing across the goal is to develop Thuan An into a center of industry - urban - service towards civilization, modern. In the process of implementation, the Party and town authorities have actively and boldly chosen good and creative ways and have received the guidance of the Provincial Party Committee, the provincial People's Committee, in collaboration with the departments. industry. "The lesson learned is that the Town Party Committee always maintains solidarity, unity within and promotes synergy; Socio-economic development is closely linked to strengthening national defense and security and cultural development; promote democracy and social justice; Resolve promptly the pressing issues that arise in the development process. Together with that, the Standing Committee of Thuan An Town Party also pay special attention to cadre work, planning, training, staffing", stressed Vinh.

Reported by Ho Van – Translated by Vi Bao

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