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Thuan An town’s Party Committee admits additional 169 Party members

Update: 12-12-2013 | 00:00:00

The Executive Board of Thuan An town’s 10th Party Committee, on December 12, held its 17th open conference to review the result of the implementation of 2013’s resolutions and define tasks, orientations for 2014.

In 2013, the town’s Party building work saw positive changes in all aspects. The town’s Party committee and its affiliates followed hard on political tasks, continued seriously implementing the Party Central Committee’s 4th plenum Resolution on “Urgent issues on current Party building”; continued accelerating “Studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s exemplary morals”; admitted additional 169 Party members, bringing the total number of the whole town’s members to 3,231…

The town’s Party Committee also focused on instructing localities to opportunely deal with difficulties to promote production and business, ensure social welfare and maintain social order and security. Particularly, industrial production value reached VND64.656trillion, up 11.4%. Total value of trade and services was estimated at VND21.4trillion, up 18.6%. Total State collection reached more than VND2.137trillion, up 8.74% compared to 2012…In addition, the town’s Party Committee paid attention to taking care of the local people with social welfare policies well implemented. As of late 2013, the number of the local poor households reduced by 204.

In 2014, the town’s Party Committee will further implement measure groups raised in the Party Central Committee’s 4th plenum Resolution in a synchronous way in association with “Studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s exemplary morals”; accelerate Party building work; improve the leadership capacity and fighting power of the Party cells; lead the effective implementation of targets on socio-economic development and raise the lives of the local people.

On this occasion, the town’s Party Committee also awarded the 50, 55 and 65-year Party membership insignias to18 Party members

Reporteb by H.Van-Translated by T.Mo


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