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To concentrate on cultivating traffic safety among school students

Update: 11-10-2023 | 14:40:07

In recent times, functional branches have organized many practical activities to build traffic culture among students, in which the propaganda of traffic safety laws has brought about remarkable results.

Building traffic culture

Right from the beginning of the new school year, Ben Cat town authorities have implemented many solutions to raise awareness of compliance with traffic safety laws in schools. Nguyen Phu Hai, Head of the Division of Education and Training of Ben Cat town, said that the unit has directed schools to require officials, teachers, and students to comply well with the Road Traffic Law on participating in traffic.

At parent meetings at the beginning of the school year, schools have integrated propaganda and asked parents to sign commitment not to give their children motorbikes if they are not qualified to operate. Students are required to wear helmets when sitting on motorbikes or electric bicycles. In addition, the town's Division of Education and Training requires schools to increase coordination with Ben Cat town Police to organize safety-related transportation to all students, continue to implement the "Traffic Safety School Gate" model to contribute to raising the awareness of parents and students in observing and implementing well the provisions of law on ensuring traffic safety and order.

Ben Cat town Police propagate traffic safety to students in the area

In the 2023-2024 school year, 158 schools and 189 independent preschool groups and classes with 2,653 classes and over 116,000 students in Thuan An city are subjected to ensuring traffic order and safety at schools and preventing traffic accidents among students with special attention from Thuan An city authorities.

Huynh Thi My Ngan, Head of the Department of Education and Training of Thuan An City, said that when entering the new school year, the unit asked schools to focus on propaganda for officials, teachers, students and parents to comply well with regulations and laws when participating in traffic in many forms, such as inviting traffic police to propagate and take quizzes.

In teaching activities, schools include compliance with traffic safety laws in school regulations and consider it a criterion for emulation at the end of the school year for each officer, teachers and students. At the same time, the school promptly praised and rewarded individuals with achievements in ensuring traffic order and safety, strictly handle individuals who violate traffic safety laws.

Also according to the leader of the Division of Education and Training of Thuan An city, the unit has asked schools to proactively coordinate with local police to organize traffic flow during rush hours, reminding parents to stop and park according to regulations when picking up the children at schools. The Division directs affiliated schools with vehicle contracts to pick up and drop off students to choose a reputable transportation unit with vehicles that meet technical requirements and drivers must strictly comply with traffic safety regulations.

Many meaningful activities

Along with the Education and Training sector, Ben Cat town Union also has many activities to build traffic culture among union members and students. Nguyen Thanh Phu, Secretary of Ben Cat town Union, said that every year, the town Union Standing Committee directs Union facilities to have union members and team members sign a commitment to comply with the laws when participating in traffic. The town Union also included the content of propaganda work and ensuring traffic safety in the content of implementing the emulation contract for Union, Children’s Pioneers, and school work in 2023 for facilities to organize and implement at the unit.

The town Union also coordinates with relevant units to organize many activities, including integrating traffic safety propaganda for students and youth union members such as golden bell ringing competitions, democratic flower picking, and fashion performances, and topical talks with experts. In the first 9 months of 2023, Ben Cat town Union coordinated with units to organize more than 77 traffic safety propaganda campaigns to attract over 3,000 union members and young workers. During the 2023 Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign, the Youth Union and the Union organized the integration of propaganda and instructions on traffic safety into summer activities for students at 26 schools to help them be more responsible in traffic participation to limiting unfortunate incidents from happening.

In addition, the town Union also coordinated well with the Ben Cat town Police to maintain the organization of the "Youth Festival with traffic culture" with many useful activities such as instructions on safe driving and wearing a helmets to meet the standards, competition to learn Road Traffic Law etc. attracting a large number of youth union members.

In Di An city, the authorities are implementing a plan to propagate the law to students at schools in the area. Pham Thi Ha Van, Deputy Head of the Justice Department of Di An city, said that at the propaganda sessions, the reporters shared and disseminated the basic contents of the Road Traffic Law suitable for school ages. At the same time, they provided situations that students often encounter when participating in traffic and skills to participate in traffic safely.

At the propaganda sessions, the presenters also asked quizzes with answers closely following previously disseminated traffic safety knowledge to create excitement for participating students. From September 2023, the city Justice Department in coordination with local police has organized propaganda on traffic safety, drug prevention and control at 5 schools with over 5,000 participating students.

Reported by Nguyen Hau – Translated by Vi Bao

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