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To continually enhance the artistic value of cultural heritage

Update: 05-12-2023 | 14:35:30

Binh Duong, although not the birthplace of the art form of Don Ca Tai Tu (Southern Amateur Music or Tai Tu Music) - a type of traditional Vietnamese music, has seen the emergence of talented individuals in the field of composition and stage performance. After 10 years of being recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage representative of humanity, Binh Duong is one of the provinces with a significant number of people participating in this artistic discipline.

The number of people interested in learning about the traditional Vietnamese music genre – Tai Tu Music is increasing day by day

The strong transition

Since the art of Tai Tu Music was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2013, the movement of this genre in the province has undergone many positive changes. Throughout the province, there are frequent activities organized to promote, preserve, and enhance the value of this art form.

In addition to competitions, performances, festivals, and exchange programs organized annually in localities, Binh Duong also organizes practical classes for teaching Tai Tu Music. People's Artist Thu Hong said that the province organizes Tai Tu Music teaching classes every year, from basic to advanced levels, attracting many students from both within and outside the province to participate. This year, the Theater Association and the Tai Tu Music Club of Binh Duong province, under the provincial Literature and Arts Association, organized a training course on traditional music performance (ca ra bo). The training course had nearly 30 participants. After two weeks of learning performance skills, the participants took part in a presentation program consisting of 5 performances.

Previously, in early September 2023, the Binh Duong College of Fine Arts and Culture organized a class called "Teaching the art of Tai Tu music to the public" in the province. The class had 35 students who were enthusiasts from various localities within the province. Renowned artist, Master Huynh Khai, stated that despite coming from different backgrounds, everyone shared a common love and passion for traditional music, especially Tai Tu Music. The Binh Duong College of Fine Arts and Culture has once again demonstrated its leadership in the preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage by being the first professional institution to offer a class on Tai Tu Music, a traditional Vietnamese musical art form.

Proactive dissemination

With the natural advantage of the Saigon River landscape, combined with pedestrian streets and night markets, Thu Dau Mot city possesses a cultural space and walking area that is ideal for residents and tourists to enjoy art. In order to maximize this advantage and in conjunction with the successful implementation of the "Building a cultured and civilized urban lifestyle" campaign, Thu Dau Mot city is doing an excellent job in promoting the art of Tai Tu Music.

Nguyen Van Phuong, Director of the Cultural Information and Sports Center of Thu Dau Mot city, shared that the city would organize a performance of Tai Tu Music on the river, a unique form of folk cultural and artistic expression. The program includes various genres of Tai Tu Music, vong co (lengthy antique music), tan co giao duyen (the mixture of modern and classic), and tan nhac (modern music), performed by talented musicians and artists from the city's Tai Tu Music club and various districts. The aim is to enhance the awareness of society as a whole, especially the younger generation, regarding the protection and promotion of cultural heritage in general, and specifically the art form of Tai Tu Music in the Southern region. It also seeks to strengthen information dissemination, communication, and education activities to raise the consciousness of the people in protecting and promoting the artistic value of Tai Tu Music in the community's daily life, as part of the "Building a Cultural and Civilized Urban Lifestyle" campaign.

According to musician Pham Dac Hien, Chairman of the provincial Literature and Arts Association, on carrying out the plan to implement the project of "Preservation and promotion of the artistic value of Don ca tai tu music in Binh Duong province in 2018-2020", the association organized a conference to establish the Don ca tai tu Club in Binh Duong province under the assignment of the provincial People's Committee. The hosting of the club consists of 15 members who are the heads of the Tai Tu Music clubs in districts, towns, and cities within the province. Their main task is to coordinate activities related to the art of Tai Tu Music, such as organizing teaching classes and cultural exchanges. The Association for Stage Communication is primarily responsible for the club's activities.

“During this time, the Binh Duong Province Traditional Music Club has been actively organizing various activities despite not receiving operational funding and its members not benefiting from the provisions and policies of the project. Following the guidance of the province, the Binh Duong Province Traditional Music Club will soon be renamed as the Federation of Binh Duong Province Traditional Music Clubs in accordance with the content of the "Preservation and Promotion of the Artistic Value of Binh Duong province Tai Tu Music in 2018-2020" project. With this new name, it is hopeful that the unit will be allocated funding and effectively enhance the activities of the "Conservation and Promotion of the Artistic Value of Tai Tu Music of Binh Duong province until 2025, with a vision towards 2030" project, which has been approved by the provincial People's Committee,” said Pham Dac Hien.

Reported by Thuc Van – Translated by Vi Bao

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