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To continually remove obstacles, facilitating production and business operations

Update: 01-11-2020 | 16:38:18

Early October 30, the Standing Board of Provincial Party Committee organized a meeting of feedbacks on measures for implementation of socio-economic criteria and development of traffic infrastructure with processing of flooding areas in the province. Tran Van Nam, member of Central Committee of CPV cum Secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Head of Provincial NA Delegation chaired the meeting.

Over-view of the meeting

In 2020, socio-economic status of the province has gained effective results as the political and social orders have been sustained. It is expected that by the end of the year, the province shall fulfill and exceed 21 out of 31 major criteria of the planning. The failed criteria include 6.78% growth of general GRDP (8.6-8.8% targeted by the plan), GRDP per capita of VND 151.5 million a year (15.5% targeted by the planning) meeting 96% of the estimation, budget collection of estimated VND 59,675 billion, meeting 96% of the estimation (which is VND 62,200 billion by the planning), 5% revenue of exportation (which is 15% by the planning). In the last 2 months of the year, it is assigned that investment environment should be improved as operations are under supervision to resolve obstacles for enterprises and investors.

At the meeting, the delegates discussed the measures to resolve difficulties with focus on groups of measures resolving the beforehand status and the long-run planning for information dissemination, administration, and investments into traffic system.

As for sectional flooding situation, Binh Duong provincial People’s Committee has up to date reported of a reduction of 55 flooded areas from the beginning of the year. By the time, there are only 60 areas of flooding left. Various measures have been proposed to clearcut resolve the problems of site clearance with early verification of reports and approval of 5 investment projects assigned for the year 2020.
Concluding the meeting, Tran Van Nam asserted that the gained socio-economic criteria in 10 months of 2020 is the reflection of efforts made by the political system in the face of heavy affects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reviewing opinions and feedbacks of the delegates, Tran Van Nam agreed upon measures for the highest achievements of socio-economic achievements in 2020. As for infrastructure, the provincial authority has included this to one of the four matters of breakthroughs in the province in 2020-2025 with extremely meaningful gains of socio-economic development; by which, departments and sectors are required to make thorough calculation of investments and coherent coordination. In the last 2 months of the year, the departments and sectors would continue to remove obstacles of capital resources for enterprises, offering them the best advantages for production and business operations under legal regulations.

Reported by Phuong Le - Translated by Vi Bao


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