To focus on building and developing the CPV grassroots in enterprises

Update: 24-03-2022 | 17:39:21

Many creative ways from the CPV committee level to overcome the shortcomings and obstacles in the development of CPV members in the grassroots in the enterprise have contributed to the construction of a stronger and stronger CPV.

Difficulties overcome

In 2006, Thien Nam Investment and Development Joint Stock Company Branch was established in Di An city. At first, the first 6 CPV members of the branch have been added up to 50 by now. Mr. Tran Ngoc Vinh, Secretary of Thien Nam Investment and Development Joint Stock Company, said that after the branch was established, the development of new Party members took place smoothly, but there was also time, despite great efforts, they can only admit 2 Party members while the pending admission is not lacking. The main reason for the difficulty is the lost background verification process when sent to the locality. There are even cases that people's background verification records have not been completed for 4 years. “Such a difficult situation was considered by the Party cell committee as one of the limitations that need to propose solutions to overcome. Since then, the identity verification of the background is no longer lost but faster,” said Vinh.

The 4th Party Committee of Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park held a Party admission ceremony for the elite masses

Ms. Duong Thi Hoai, a young Party member just admitted to the CPV at the end of 2021, currently working at Thien Nam Investment and Development Joint Stock Company, said that after procedural problems, she wrote her resume 3 times and sent it back to the locality to verify what was lost, then she had to retake the Party entrance class because of the time limit. However, after the committee tried to remove the obstacles, the file was sent to the company branch. After many years of unceasing efforts and going through many difficulties in the process of writing resume and verification, Ms. Hoai was also honored to join the CPV. “Being admitted to the CPV is a great source of encouragement, helping me to gain more confidence and firmly step on the path of career ahead. I will continue to work hard to train, striving to well complete the tasks. At the same time, I always clearly define the roles and tasks of CPV members who always believe and strictly abide by the guidelines of the Party, the State's laws and policies, internal rules and regulations of the company," said Ms. Hoai.

In parallel with the work of building, developing the organization, and promoting the leadership, the Party committee of Thien Nam Investment and Development Joint Stock Company has cooperated with socio-political organizations at the company to promote activities to propagate guidelines, policies and laws of the Party and State; to organize and launch emulation movements in productive labor to fulfill tasks well and take care of workers' lives. As a result, in 2021, despite being heavily affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the company's production and business activities still reached 97%; revenue reached and exceeded 103% compared to the year plan, and average income the number of employees in 2021 reached VND 15 million a month.

To promote the roles

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Ky, Party Secretary, General Director of S-Furniture Joint Stock Company in Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park said that the Party committee of the company was established in 2017, up to now, it has a total 13 members who are managers and workers. “Having just held the role of company manager and secretary of the cell, the activities of the cell always go smoothly, the resolutions as well as the year-round activities programs of the cell all stick to the orientations and guidelines to develop production and business of enterprises and take care of the lives of workers. Thereon, the branch and mass organizations at the company develop an implementation plan; at the same time, propagandize and mobilize union members and employees to well observe the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, internal rules and regulations of the unit, and strive to actively fulfill the goals and professional plans," Mr. Nguyen Thanh Ky said.

Mr. Nguyen Quan Si, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park, said that the work of developing Party members and organizations at enterprises has always been paid special attention to by the Party Committee. On the basis of the targets set by the Party Committee's resolutions and assigned by the Standing Party Committee, the Party Committee has set out a plan to develop the cell and assigned targets to each cell on the development of members who are employees. Currently, the Party Committee has 8 branches, of which 3 are specialized departments of Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park Joint Stock Company, 4 business and 1 compound cells consist of members of 8 different enterprises. Enterprise branches have a total 95 members, of whom 50 are workers in enterprises in industrial parks, accounting for 53%. In 2021, despite being heavily affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, all operate stably and do business effectively to ensure a stable income for employees.

Specifically, employees at Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park Joint Stock Company have an average income of VND 8.7 million a person a month while the worker income at Nam Thai Duong Nicotex Joint Stock Company is VND 7.5 - 8 million a person a month, S-Furniture Joint Stock Company VND 8.7 million a person a month. “Party members who are employees in enterprises have very good political awareness with constant belief in the leadership of the CPV and voluntarily abides by the Party's guidelines and the State's laws and always strives to take the lead and fulfill the tasks at the unit; actively participates in building strong branches, companies and mass organizations, gradually creates the prestige of the CPV organization and its members along with trust in business owners and workers," said Mr. Nguyen. Qaun Si.

Reported by Do Trong – Translated by Vi Bao

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