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To remove obstacles for businesses

Update: 26-04-2023 | 12:44:44

In order to create a favorable environment for businesses, the Vietnam Chamber of Commer and Industry (VCCI) has coordinated with units of Ministry of Finance (General Department of Taxation, General Department of Customs) to hold a conference on tax-customs administrative policies and procedures.

According to VCCI, after being affected by the pandemic, this year's dialogue program will be held in a direct format in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to mark the 17th year of the dialogue program between Ministry of Finance and business community to remove difficulties and obstacles arising in operating state management mechanisms for the tax - customs industries or arising from business practices of enterprises. This is also an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the tax, customs authorities and business community in sharing information, discussing appropriate cooperation mechanisms, creating an open and favorable environment for operations of both sides.

Ministry of Finance has submitted to the Government and competent authorities for promulgation and continued implementation of policies to collect state budget, support economic recovery and development according to Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly and Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP of the Government. According to economic experts, fiscal policies and solutions are implemented in a timely manner, have a positive impact and are highly appreciated by the business community and people, making an important contribution to recovery and development results. Ministry of Finance's active contributions to the administration of fiscal policy have also contributed to the country's economic growth.

Particularly in Binh Duong, Provincial Customs Department and Provincial Tax Department continuously organize exchange and discussion activities in various forms to support the business community; implement solutions on extension, exemption and reduction of taxes, fees, charges, and land rent; create favorable conditions for the business community to import and export goods, speed up customs clearance, contribute to minimize the risk of supply chain disruption.

In the coming time, besides the positive and favorable factors, it is forecasted that there will be many difficulties and challenges affecting the recovery and development of the economy. The tax and customs authorities continue to focus on promoting reform, modernization, and application of information technology, creating a favorable environment for enterprises' production and business activities. 

Reported by Triet Nhan - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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