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To response quickly and trace to related cases

Update: 05-02-2021 | 15:53:51

On January 31, Vo Van Minh, Permanent Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council, chaired an online meeting of Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Control and Prevention with the participation of localities to discuss prevention and control measures in the new situation. Attending were Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Thanh Truc, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; and leaders of departments, agencies and unions in the province.

High concentration on epidemic disease prevention and fighting

Facing complicated and unpredictable developments of Covid-19, Binh Duong province prepared all necessary conditions to actively responded to epidemic situations. On the night of detecting the suspected case returning from epidemic areas, Phu Giao district in particular, Binh Duong in general raised the level of epidemic prevention and control warnings, accelerated traceability of related cases, localized and take samples for testing promptly.

According to report of People's Committee of Phu Giao district, regarding epidemic areas of Hai Duong and Quang Ninh, after examination, Phu Giao had 2 cases having close contact; of which 1 was confirmed positive, was patient 1801. The District People's Committee directed communes and towns to collaborate with the district health center in tracing cases going back from epidemic areas. At dawn of January 31, the health authority took samples and tested 45 cases related to Patient 1801 and brought 147 other related cases to quarantine at new Medical Center of Bau Bang district. The district also established 6 posts on 6 blocked roads in Ca Na hamlet, An Binh commune (388 households, 1,501 people), students in An Binh commune and Phuoc Vinh town temporarily left school.


Provincial education and training branch also strictly followed recommendations on Covid-19 prevention and control. However, in the face of new situation of the epidemic, this branch has allowed students at all levels in the province to leave school from February 2nd.

At the meeting, Mr. Vo asked departments, branches and localities continue to mobilize the entire political system, each citizen strictly implement the guideline and measures to prevent and control the epidemic. The whole political system, each citizen needs to join hands to fight against the pandemic like fighting against the enemy; speed up the checking and tracing of people returning from epidemic areas; develop self-management teams for disease prevention and control to detect and supervise people returning from epidemic areas. Branches, levels and localities need to further intensify propagation and communication on radios and newspapers of communes, wards, hamlets about strictly implementing recommendations of Ministry of Health. Provincial Labor Confederation continues to encourage workers, whose hometowns in epidemic areas, to stay in Binh Duong during Tet.

Also at the meeting, Nguyen Loc Ha demanded departments, branches, localities and units throughout the province to promptly activate the epidemic prevention and control system at highest level. Heads of departments, branches, localities and units must be responsible for disease prevention and control at their respective agencies, units and localities. The whole province focused highly on disease prevention and control according to Directive 15 of the Prime Minister; inspect medical centers, markets, supermarkets and schools for strictly implementation of the 5K message. Provincial health authority boosted zoning, checking, stamping out epidemic and taking samples for testing. “We need to act quickly, trace to related cases to have timely solutions. Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention Control agreed with Provincial Labor Confederation to stop the gratitude spring trip”, said Mr. Nguyen.

Overnight on duty for epidemic prevention and control

In order to trace to related cases, right in that night, Huynh Thanh Ha, Deputy Director of provincial Department of Health, came to Phu Giao to advise and support the response and prevention works overnight. Previously, Nguyen Thanh Truc, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, went to An Binh commune, Phu Giao district to direct the traceability and preparation of disease prevention and control for different epidemic situations and levels. At 2:00 am of January 31, Phu Giao district took Phuoc Hoa Secondary School (opposite to People's Committee of Phuoc Hoa Commune) as the Front Head Office for Covid-19 prevention control.

Soon after, Phu Giao district was ready to set up subcommittees: Subcommittee for treatment, logistics, security and order, disease prevention control, and communication. The district also agreed to take Cultural Center stadium for building a temporary hospital, and prepared to establish more concentrated quarantine zones. “However, in the immediate future, we need to urgently direct the speedy tracing, thoroughly zone and stamp out the epidemic, organize large-scale sampling and testing, strictly implement centralized isolation; continue to strictly implement on-the-spot motto in epidemic prevention and control; especially, it is necessary to be proactive, close, creative, and bring into play the responsibility and role of local governments with the highest support from the health authority; operate well concentrated quarantine areas; ensure necessary and timely supplies and equipment for epidemic prevention”, said Mr. Huynh.

Also in the morning of January 31, medical staff and doctors of Provincial Center for Disease Control conducted sampling for 45 cases related to Patient 1801. In order to keep up the schedule of testing and tracing, medical staff must work overnight. Medical staff were equipped with specialized protective equipment, careful in each step to take samples to have the earliest and accurate test results. Each Covid-19 test sample was meticulously recorded, coded, classified. Immediately after the end of a work shift, all medical staff were sprayed with disinfectant and then quickly brought samples to Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City. In hamlets of 11 communes and towns of Phu Giao district, the trace of suspected cases was also done overnight. People in Ca Na hamlet, An Binh commune reported meticulously and accurately. Along with the medical staff, traffic police force, militia and self-defense militia also stayed up all night to protect the blocking areas and gateways.

Doan Van Dong, Chairman of Phu Giao District People's Committee, said that the current epidemic situation in Phu Giao district was under control. The plans for epidemic prevention and control in different situations have been carefully calculated by the district; to be strong and resolute in directing and operating but also not causing panic and anxiety. The epidemic prevention and control work is under the drastic and regular direction of Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee, District Party Committee, District People's Committee, and drastic participation of all branches, unions, communes, wards, towns, and people to prevent and fight against the epidemic.

Reported by Kim Ha - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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