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To solve difficulties for vocational training to develop

Update: 24-02-2022 | 16:33:03

In order to create favorable conditions for public junior colleges and colleges in the province to further develop, to meet the labor and employment demands of the province, right from first days of the new year, the Provincial People's Committee have had a meeting with education institutions to listen to and solve existing difficulties.

To create all favorable conditions

By the end of 2021, the province had 108 vocational education and training institutions, including 7 colleges, 1 branch of Southern Railway College, 10 junior colleges, 19 vocational education centers and 71 other establishments that have registered for vocational training activities. Popular occupations of college and junior college training programs are industrial electricity, electronics, automobile technology, mechanics, welding, metal cutting, accounting, medicine, pharmac...

Pham Van Tuyen, Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, said that due to the timely attention and direction of Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province, the department organizes contests and lectures every year in order to utilize the intellectual potential and creativity of education staff, lecturers and teachers, contributing to improving the quality of training, especially to change mindset and awareness in training and enrollment tied to recruitment, and training in accordance with demands of the labor market.

Based on proposals of schools, the Provincial People's Committee will consider the investment in modern teaching and learning equipment to meet the current requirements of labor and employment in the area. In photo: Students of Vietnam - Singapore Vocational College are trained with modern machinery.

The Department proposed an annual state budget to regularly organize training courses, refresher courses in management, vocational pedagogy, assessment of vocational skills, and to grant national certificates of vocational skills for vocational education staff and teachers of the province; invest in facilities and equipment for public vocational schools to achieve high-quality schools and schools with key occupations to improve training quality.

Some vocational training schools have cooperated with colleges and universities inside and outside the province to create opportunities for graduates to study and practice at a higher level. “Public colleges and junior colleges in the province are concentrated in cities and towns, where there are many industrial parks and industrial clusters, which are favorable conditions for schools to enhance business attraction and cooperation with enterprises to solve training problems tied to the demands of enterprises, contributing to improving the quality of vocational education and creating jobs," said Tuyen.

In addition, schools have autonomy in enrollment activities, have the right to develop regulations on enrollment form, targets as well as the number of enrollment rounds every year, hence they have actively carried out enrollment tasks in various forms. Some schools have implemented specific policies for learners, such as free and reduced fee for dormitories, awarding scholarships, cooperating with businesses in training and guaranteeing employment to attract learners.

To solve difficulties for public schools

Currently, according to the general assessment, the basic public training institutions perform well their assigned functions and tasks, contributing to improving the quality of human resources and creating jobs for the province. However, training activities at public schools face difficulties and problems that need to be resolved, especially those related to the financial autonomy mechanism of schools in the future, there will be a shortage of vocational training teachers according to current regulations, material facilities do not meet teaching requirements, limitations in enrollment...

Le Quang Loi, Vice Principal of Binh Duong Fine Arts and Culture Junior College, said that the school has turned 120 years old, so their workshop area for students to practice has deteriorated and was leaky in rainy seasons. In addition to preserving and developing traditional professions, the college must open more training professions suitable to the current demands of businesses in order to attract more students, but the facilities are still poor, do not meeting the requirements of teaching and learning...

A representative of Binh Duong Agriculture and Forestry Junior College also said that their material facilities did not meet the teaching requirements, and needed investment. In addition, the enrollment mechanism is entangled with current procedures and regulations. For example, enrollment for vocational training at the school, students, who finish grade 9, register for a vocational training program must complete three years of training, and are given priority in tuition fee exemption and reduction; meanwhile, students, who finished high school and entered vocational training, also have to spend three years studying and receive no priority, while students, who have a higher level, should have a shortened learning time.

Based on difficulties and recommendations of schools, leaders of the Provincial People's Committee recognized and considered a number of issues related to training activities in specific fields and branches. Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, asked relevant departments and branches to check and solve difficulties posed by schools; Any matter within the jurisdiction of the province must be resolved immediately.

The investment in material facilities is necessary and must be done in the near future. However, schools must have detailed proposals and projects to submit to all levels. Relevant departments and branches must closely follow and coordinate with schools in development orientation, enrollment, and must be responsible for administering schools, not just waiting for proposals of schools. In the near future, the province will have working sessions about proposals of each school to address each request.

Reported by Quang Tam - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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