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Towards building up smart and happy schools

Update: 05-09-2023 | 13:13:38

Educational innovation is an issue concerned by the entire society, requiring the education and training sector to boldly research and experiment to find ways in line with the current development trend. Binh Duong's education and training sector is aiming at building happy schools at all levels and promoting digital transformation to build up smart schools at the local development requirements in the coming time.

Joining hands to build up happy schools

The core value of a happy school is "Love - Safety - Respect". A happy school is a place where teachers and students have a happy and comfortable learning and working environment. Over the past time, many schools in Thu Dau Mot city had positive activities to create a friendly and close environment between students and teachers, enhanced innovation in teaching methods and took students as the center; boldly applied new teaching methods to improve their quality of education.

Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation and leaders of Thu Dau Mot city inspects preparation for the 2023-2024 new school year at Dinh Hoa 2 primary school

Le Thi Kim Thuy, Principal of Phu Hoa 3 primary school said: “A happy school is a place where students have no pressure to study, but always promote their abilities. And subjects are transformed into interesting lessons through games, experiences...The school has implemented a teaching process in line with the psychophysiology and physicality of each student’s age group. The school also always focuses on the criteria of physical development, issues related to health and psychology, stimulates the development of students in the process of developing their own personality and qualities so that they can be more perfect in knowledge and personality”.

Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong, Head of Thu Dau Mot city’s Education and Training Division said that building up a happy school is a process. Particularly, each teacher needs to change his cognitive thinking, actions and emotions in order to have good lessons, full of excitement for students and create a friendly and loving atmosphere. The city’s Education and Training Sector has been fully synchronizing equipment to be able to pilot the building of a smart and happy school for all students under the criteria set by the Education and Training sector, making sure that going to school every day is a pleasure for students.

Digital transformation to build up smart schools

Digital transformation is a major policy of the Government and all sectors, including education and training. In recent years, the province's education and training sector has gradually promoted innovation in teaching and learning, improving quality and building up an open, adaptive education system on a digital platform. With synchronous and drastic participation from many sides, digital transformation is penetrating deeply into teaching and learning activities in the entire education and training sector, bringing many positive signals, thereby greatly making contributions to improving the quality of education.

An experience lesson of students at Phu Hoa 3 primary school in Thu Dau Mot city

The continuous development of science and technology has created an urgent requirement for the education and training sector to apply digital technology in teaching and learning. Many schools in the province have quickly applied information technology, creating a modern learning environment for students. Provincial Department of Education and Training has issued a plan to increase the application of information technology and digital transformation in education and training in 2023, with an orientation to 2025. The plan sets out 22 key tasks, including urgent and feasible tasks in 2023 such as digitally signing and digitizing directive documents in the online environment, deploying cashless payments in educational establishments, deploying the use of electronic school records for early grades...

Provincial Department of Education and Training has also focused on building up open educational resources for teaching and learning in and out of schools, for lifelong learning, and online learning. The Department has reviewed and standardized the sector’s database and directed units to well perform the tasks of updating, reporting and making statistics on the education and training sector database ( of the Ministry of Education and Training. The Department also continues directing and effectively using the free Google mail system for the entire education and training sector with the domain name and has equipped email accounts with support services to each teacher and each student, well serving management, teaching and learning...

The application of information technology is directed by provincial Department of Education and Training to be implemented systematically throughout the sector for stricter and more scientific management. Streamlining records by the management software system aims at creating more favorable conditions for the units in the management work, so most schools have also implemented comprehensive computerization of the management, connecting families, schools and society through application platforms such as VnEdu, VietSchool, LMS..., thereby  helping improve the quality of management, teaching and learning.

From digital solutions in education, schools are now focusing on innovating teaching methods, shifting from teaching content transmission to teaching orientation towards developing learners’ capacity, with school education associated with families and community. For Binh Duong’s education-training sector, building up smart and happy schools has been the destination for the journey of comprehensive educational development for students.

“With the theme of “Solidarity, discipline, innovation, creativity, successfully completing tasks and goals of innovation, improving the quality of education and training”, in the 2023-2024 school year, Binh Duong province’s Education and Training sector is determined to implement innovation and improve the quality of education at all levels. Especially, under the direction of provincial Party Standing Committee, the local Education and Training sector will aim at building up happy schools at all levels and promoting to build up smart schools at the local development requirements in the coming time”. (Nguyen Thi Nhat Hang, Director of provincial Department of Education and Training)

Reported by Hong Phuong-Translated by Kim Tin

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