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Towards safe production

Update: 05-05-2023 | 12:32:27

In response to the 2023 Action Month for Labor Safety and Hygiene (from May 1 to May 31, 2023), provincial Trade Union will deploy many practical and effective activities towards enterprises and employees with the theme of "Strengthening the construction of safe working processes and measures and improving working conditions, reducing stress at workplace".

Raising awareness of labor safety and hygiene

According to provincial Labor Union, one of the important contents done by trade unions at all levels in response to this year's Action Month for Labor Safety and Hygiene is to strengthen communication activities, thereby raising awareness of employers and employees on labor safety and hygiene. Accordingly, communication work will be carried out by trade unions at all levels with rich and diverse contents, including the development and distribution of publications, documents, handbooks, leaflets on topics and contents deploying the 2023 Action Month for Labor Safety and Hygiene. They will also apply information technology and social networks through websites, fan pages, Zalo groups...

The contest for good hygienists organized by grassroots trade unions contributes to raising awareness of labor safety and hygiene

Along with that, provincial Labor Union has directed trade unions at all levels to pay attention to organizing thematic activities and events towards the topics and contents of the Action Month for labor safety and hygiene such as organizing training for trade union officials, hygienists, employees to identify and assess risks, improve working conditions; organizing activities with the participation and coordination of State management agencies, experts, employers, employees and hygienists such as conferences, seminars, dialogues, workshops to share experience, typical models on labor safety and hygiene, employers and employees’ rights, obligations and responsibilities in labor safety and hygiene and when participating in labor accident and occupational disease insurance; occupational accident and occupational disease regimes; organizing  a contest on labor safety and hygiene; providing periodical health check-ups; visiting and encouraging victims of labor accidents, occupational diseases victims and their families, employees with difficult circumstances; implementing welfare regimes for employees...

The propaganda and training activities have aimed at contributing to raising awareness of all-level authorities and sectors, especially trade union officials in participating in the management, inspection and supervision of labor safety and hygiene while raising employees’ awareness of preventing workplace accidents and occupational diseases, contributing to building up safe culture at workplace.

Emulation movements promoted

Along with propaganda work, provincial trade unions all levels, especially grassroots trade unions, will launch an emulation movement on labor safety and hygiene, a movement mass to do labor safety and hygiene work. The movements have aimed at mobilizing trade unionists and employees to actively propose initiatives and solutions to improve technologies to improve labor productivity and ensure labor safety and hygiene. Particularly, they will continue effectively implementing the Directive No. 04/CT-TLD dated March 3, 2017 on further promoting the movement of "Green - clean - beautiful, ensuring labor safety and hygiene" in the new situation, concretizing it into emulation movements suitable to the conditions of localities, sectors and enterprises, thereby promoting the participation of employers and employees in ensuring food safety and hygiene; strengthen development in quantity while improving the quality and operational efficiency of a network for hygienists in production facilities; organize training on labor safety and hygiene, skills and methods of operation for a network of hygienists... Provincial trade unions at all levels will be also proactive to organize monitoring activities, coordinate in inspecting and supervising labor safety and hygiene.

Provincial Labor Union has directed trade unions at all levels to be proactive to propose and coordinate with other departments, agencies and sectors in the inspection and supervision of labor safety and hygiene, focusing on a number of fields with such risks as construction, electricity, mining, chemical, mechanism…; the use and inspection of machines, equipment and supplies with strict requirements on labor safety and hygiene, working environment, training on labor safety and hygiene; nutrition for shift meals, ensuring food security and safety for employees. In addition, they have been requested to strengthen inspection and supervision of enterprises in assessing the risks of labor safety and hygiene and plans to care for and protect workers' health at workplace.

Provincial trade unions at all levels need to strengthen coordination with employers to organize self-inspection activities, review rules and procedures on labor safety and hygiene at workshops, groups and teams as stipulated. Along with that, they will organize delegations to visit and encourage trade unionists hit by workplace accidents and occupational diseases while importunately rewarding trade unionists and employees who have initiatives and solutions to improve techniques, working conditions, labor productivity, ensure labor safety and hygiene.

The action month for labor safety and hygiene contributes to the better representation, care and protection of trade unionists and employees’ legitimate rights and interests. The action month’s activities will also raise awareness and compliance with the law on labor safety and hygiene for employees and employers, thereby promoting control over risks and measures to better improve working conditions, care for and improve health, and prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases for employees. (Nguyen Hoang Bao Tran, Vice-Chairwoman of provincial Labor Union)

Reported by Khanh Phong-Translated by Kim Tin

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