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Trade and investment promotion opportunity with South America

Update: 06-11-2020 | 07:54:38

In the afternoon of November 4, Nguyen Thanh Truc, Deputy Chairman of Binh Duong provincial People’s Committee received and had a working session with Ngo Xuan Ty, Standing Affairs of Vietnamese Embassy to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Guyana, and Suriname and enterprise representatives getting to investigate investment environment in Binh Duong. 

At the reception, Nguyen Thanh Truc introduced to the delegation the prominent achievements of Binh Duong province, especially the available 48 industrial parks and clusters of foreign investments of up to more than USD 35 billion. For the time to come, Binh Duong provincial authority shall continue to expand industrial parks and selectively attract investments. Ngo Xuan Ty was hopeful that as a Standing Commissioner of Vietnamese Embassy to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Guyana, and Suriname, he would be able to help enterprises do researches on cooperation opportunities and investments in Binh Duong.

Being impressed by the achievements of Binh Duong, Ngo Xuan Ty and the delegates were hopeful to have chance to introduce and conduct investments with Binh Duong province for the time to come. He informed that the markets of South America are greatly potential for industries that Vietnam is strong of. However, by the time, the cooperation of Vietnam and South American nations has not been equivalent to the potentials. And, Binh Duong province is one of the trustworthy destinations that the regional investors are heading for.

Reported by Dung Tuan - Translated by Vi Bao

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