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Trade union accompanies, businesses respond

Update: 20-05-2023 | 10:44:27

To act for workers, take care of the material and mental lives of workers, exciting activities are taking place all over the province. Responding to this year's Workers' Month, right after the launching ceremony organized by the Provincial Labor Confederation, grassroots Trade Unions at all levels simultaneously accompanied workers. Along with the activities of grassroots Trade Union, agencies, units, and mass organizations also simultaneously have activities to respond to Worker's Month in the province, warming workers’ hearts.

Some activities accompanying employees of Trade Union at all levels during the Workers' Month are to coordinate with local authorities to dialogues and meetings to listen to the thoughts and aspirations of workers; visit, encourage, and give gifts to poor employees; organize markets selling products at discounted prices for employees... Trade union officials at all levels come to each lodging house to give gifts and encourage workers, which is an image that is easy to see these days in lodging houses. Many grassroots trade union organizations also mobilized resources to give support money and organize free medical examination and medicine distribution for employees. These are very necessary activities while many businesses are facing difficulties, leading to employees having to reduce working hours, affecting their income and life.

Along with the Trade Union, businesses also respond to Workers' Month with practical activities. Giving support money, giving gifts, awarding seniority rewards, organizing trade union booths at enterprises, and above all, looking for orders to create jobs to retain employees are being carried out by many businesses. Workers are the precious asset of enterprises. Being aware of this problem, even though they are facing difficulties in terms of orders and product output, many businesses strive to well take care of their employees.

Workers' Month takes place on the occasion of Uncle Ho's birthday, thus grassroots trade unions in many localities and businesses have integrated and organized activities to improve the morale of employees. A series of contests and performances with themes about the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh took place and attracted the participation of a numerous workers. Although they are not professional, contests and events are like precious medicines stirring up the spirit, helping employees confidently improve their lives.  May is also the month to prepare for the summer, so children of workers are also targeted by trade unions at all levels and businesses with specific care activities.

Besides, departments and unions also simultaneously responded to Workers' Month with many specific programs, such as: commit to dismantling gangs of loan sharks targeting workers; develop solutions to maintain security and order at factories, enterprises, lodging houses; learn about the thoughts and aspirations of employees to propose appropriate policies... The involvement of competent departments and unions, although not helping to solve immediate difficulties, will help employees stabilize their lives in the long term.

It is believed that with the participation and widespread response of trade unions, businesses, and departments, unions, workers will be better taken care of to firmly overcome difficulties in the current period.

 Reported by Le Quang - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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