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Traditional meeting of military - civil - medical staff of War Zone D

Update: 22-04-2024 | 10:33:55

To welcome the 49th anniversary of the the Southern liberation and the National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975 - April 30, 2024), on April 20, the Military - Civilian - Medical Liaison Committee of War Zone D organized 32nd traditional meeting in Long An province. The meeting had the participation of leaders of People's Committee of Long An province and 550 soldiers - military - civil - medical officers of the national resistance wars against the French and Americans.

The Military - Civilian - Medical Liaison Committee of War Zone D awards scholarships to poor-but-excellent students who overcome difficulties in Long An province

At the meeting, delegates looked back on the traditions of military, civil and medical soldiers in the Southeast region who fought and heroically sacrificed for the cause of national liberation. Thereby to uphold the revolutionary spirit and heroic sacrifice that is a vivid expression of revolutionary heroism for generations of medical professionals and today's youth to follow.

On this occasion, the Military - Civilian - Medical Liaison Committee of War Zone D awarded 10 scholarships to poor-but-excellent students overcoming difficulties in Long An province, each scholarship worth 1 million VND and 1 bicycle.

Reported by Quynh Nhu - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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