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Traffic laws disseminated to working people

Update: 26-07-2023 | 14:54:16

The Traffic Police Department of the provincial Police has just coordinated with the branch of Hoang Viet Motor Co. Ltd. the Labor Safety Department of the Trade Union of URC Vietnam Co. Ltd. in VSIP I Industrial Park of Thuan An city to organize a propaganda event transmitting and disseminating legal knowledge on traffic order and safety and guiding safe driving skills to more than 130 employees and employees of the company.

At the propaganda session, officers of the Traffic Police Department informed about traffic order and safety in the province; at the same time, introducing safety rules, causes and violations leading to traffic accidents. The activities aim to create a change in awareness and to further improve the sense of law observance and safe driving skills of road users, contributing to reducing accidents and ensuring traffic order and safety in the province.

Reported by Phuong Quynh – Translated by Vi Bao

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