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Training course for grassroots front officials held

Update: 03-11-2023 | 15:51:35

Tan Uyen city’s Fatherland Front Committee has just coordinated with the Political Center of the city’s Party Committee to organize a training course on professional skills and knowledge for grassroots front officials.

At the training course, 200 delegates, including heads of the "Fund for the Poor" Mobilization Committees, the Fatherland Front Standing Committees of communes and wards; heads and deputy heads of the People's Inspection Committees; heads and deputy heads of the front work committees of quarters and hamlets and accountants in charge of managing communes and wards’ funds, were provided with general knowledge and basic contents about front skills and movements launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the mobilization, management and use of the "Fund for the Poor", criteria for building “great unity” houses...

The training course aimed at helping grassroots front officials improve their skills and apply them into reality while creating conditions for grassroots front officials to meet and exchange experience, contributing to effectively implement the front's tasks in the coming time.

Reported by Gia Phuc-Translated by Kim Tin

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