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Tran Phu primary school reaches the 3rd-ranked standard of educational quality

Update: 23-05-2013 | 00:00:00
Yesterday morning May 22nd, Tran Phu primary school at Thu Dau Mot City organized a ceremony to receive accreditation of the 3rd-ranked educational quality standard and to close the school year 2012-2013. Tran Phu school was built and then opened from the school year 2007-2008 with 2 facilities including 32 class rooms and enthusiastic, experienced teaching staff. Director of Education & Training Department Mr. Duong The Phuong awarded accreditation decision of educational quality to Tran Phu primary school The school obtained national standard at the 1st rank in 2009. They made self-evaluation according to 5 standards for educational quality verification. The provincial Department of Education & Training affirmed, Tran Phu school met almost assigned criteria, focused on application of elementary education, physical training, skill exercising… On this occasion, the school also summarized the school year 2012-2013 and awarded 4 individuals, 931/1,108 pupils having good learning results. Reported by Q.Nhu - A.Sang – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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