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Tree planting festival in eternal gratitude to Uncle Ho launched

Update: 11-05-2024 | 12:04:10

On the morning of May 10, Phu Giao district held a ceremony to launch the tree planting festival in eternal gratitude to Uncle Ho and respond to the World Environment Day, June 5.

It is known that the district’s movement on planting trees achieved many important results, contributing to increasing the local forest coverage rate to 80% so far.

At the launching ceremony, Doan Van Dong, Vice-Secretary of the district’s Party Committee, Chairman of the district’s People's Committee called on agencies, departments, mass organizations, individuals, businesses, armed forces, youngsters, students and people in the locality to actively participate in planting trees, together building up a bright - green - clean - beautiful landscape and environment, contributing to achieving targets on building up an advanced new-style rural and new-style  rural district.

After the launching ceremony, delegates planted 334 trees of all kinds in the public area behind the district’s Party Committee headquarters and the district’s Mass Mobilization Bloc headquarters.

Reported by Tien Hanh-Translated by Kim Tin

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