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Understanding from listening

Update: 19-09-2023 | 14:48:41

Listening to people's opinions, Phu Giao district health sector saw many things that seemed right but were not necessarily appropriate; Each officer and employee in the entire branch thought they were being thorough, wholehearted, and doing their best for the people's health, but when they listened, they discovered things they could do even better...

Many enthusiastic opinions

In order to serve the people better, the District Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee, the Health Office and Phu Giao District Medical Center organized a forum titled "The health sector listens to people's opinions" in 2023. Through surveying the satisfaction level of departments, branches, unions and people with the health sector, the specialized units received 500 votes. These opinions and assessments, along with enthusiastic opinions at the "Listening to people's opinions" forum in 2023, have helped the Phu Giao district health sector overcome limitations and shortcomings and better perform its tasks of people's health care.

The health sector is inherently related to people, so working style is very important. Reality shows that medical staff at the grassroots level not only examine and treat diseases but also bring knowledge and the spirit of "a doctor like a good mother" to every corner of life. Most people in the district recognized and appreciated the health sector for its outstanding work results in the past year, especially disease prevention and control, people's health care, contributing to important to the overall achievement of the home district.

Nguyen Van Hai, in Quarter 9, Phuoc Vinh Town, said: "The district health sector needs to strengthen professional training and improve qualifications of doctors and nurses in medical examination and treatment." Meanwhile, Cao Van Trinh in Suoi Con hamlet, Phuoc Hoa commune, shared that recently many patients went for examination at the Medical Center or Health Station but were informed by staff that there was no medicine, especially is olriental medicine. People are forced to buy medicine from outside, affecting the examination and treatment process. Or Do Tan Lua in Bung Rieng hamlet, Vinh Hoa commune, said: “Currently, pharmacies in the area do not have listed prices. The management of drugs is not thorough, drug prices are high, drugs are sold without packaging or labels, that makes people not recognize the drug brand or quality."

Answer thoroughly

Acknowledging the public’s opinions, Doctor Do Thanh Liem, Deputy Director of Phu Giao District Medical Center, affirmed that these are also the issues that district leaders are concerned about, have been and will be looking for solutions to build a truly strong district health sector, better meeting the people's health care requirements. In recent times, despite facing many difficulties and challenges, with the close leadership and direction of the District Party Committee and People's Committee, along with the efforts and determination of public workers, the district health sector have successfully completed assigned tasks, gradually improved the quality of medical examination, treatment, health care for people.

In particular, in the Covid-19 prevention and control over the past 2 years, the industry promoted its key role, along with the entire political system, gradually repelled the pandemic and protected people’s health.  The industry also faces many difficulties and challenges related to some employees resigning due to various reasons; training and recruitment of medical staff, doctors and nursing staff; support medical staff participating in the Covid-19 prevention and control; deterioration, lack of material facilities, equipment, drugs, medical supplies...

Sharing the difficulties and problems with the health sector, Tran Hong Dung, Vice Chairwoman of Phu Giao District People's Committee, affirmed that the health sector plays an extremely important role in social life because it is related to the directly examining, treating and taking care of people's health. The province and district always pay special attention to the medical career as well as the material and mental lives of medical staff, doctors, and medical staff, because this is an industry that plays a very important role in society, directly related to people's health. To overcome current difficulties, Ms. Dung emphasized that not only the health sector but also the entire political system and the entire society are needed. In particular, all levels and sectors need to have solutions to remove difficulties in mechanisms and policies to create conditions for mobilizing stronger resources, especially the medical service pricing mechanism, joint venture mechanism, link and cooperate in medical examination and treatment.

Phu Giao district leaders assigned the health sector to preside over and coordinate with relevant sectors and units to urgently visit and learn experience of districts, towns and cities; make appropriate policies. For issues of attracting human resources; training, fostering and training of medical staff and doctors; investment in facilities; develop universal health insurance; procurement of drugs, medical equipment and supplies and other issues, the district directed relevant units to urgently resolve difficulties as soon as possible. With recommendations and proposals beyond its authority, the district will synthesize recommendations for consideration and resolution, on the basis of creating the most favorable conditions for the health sector to increasingly develop; officers, nurses, and doctors love, bond, and live well with their profession...

Reported by H.Linh, L.Huy - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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