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Upholding the role of Party organizations in non-State enterprises

Update: 23-04-2024 | 11:00:08

Yesterday afternoon (April 22), a delegation of provincial Party Committee, led by comrade Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation, conducted a survey on Party development work at Foster Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. in Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) II. The event was also attended by comrade Nguyen Minh Thuy, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee's Organization Commission; Truong Thi Bich Hanh, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee's Propaganda-Education Commission and representatives of provincial People's Committee, relevant departments and sectors.

Joining the Party to make more contributions

Reporting to the delegation, Tran Hung Dao, Member of the VSIP’s Party Executive Committee, Party Cell Secretary, Deputy General Director of Foster Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. said that in the first quarter of 2024, the production situation of old orders decreased in January and February. However, it increased again from March. Currently, the company is developing new replacement products while starting preparatory stages, including production line design, installation location... to meet the demands of customers moving from other countries to Vietnam.

Comrade Nguyen Van Loi (right), Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation visits Foster Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd.’s  production line

Regarding the activities of the company’s Party cell, comrade Tran Hung Dao said that the Party cell of the company was established in December 2016 under the VSIP Party Committee, with 100% Japanese investment capital. Currently, the Party cell has 9 Party members, comprising of 6 official members and 3 reserve ones with professional qualifications from intermediate level or higher and 1 Party member with a master's degree. “In the past, these Party members were all outstanding staff, with a lot of efforts in their work and had the desire of joining the Party with the pure motive of making more contributions while always helping other workers to successfully complete their assigned tasks...", Mr. Dao shared.

Party member Nguyen Trung Tin, Chairman of Foster Electronics Co., Ltd.'s Trade Union said: "I am very honored to join the Party. This is the pride of myself and my family. As a worker, I strived to successfully complete tasks and was appointed by the company to hold the position of department head and now the quality director, president of the company's Trade Union. I think that as Party members, we must set examples in implementing the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's policies and laws while regularly encouraging Trade Union members and workers to comply with the Party's policies, the State’s laws, constantly trying to improve in work, uniting and working together to build up a more and more thriving company...".

Close and interested in workers' lives

Comrade Tran Hung Dao said that over the past time, the company's Party cell has promptly and fully implemented the directives and resolutions of the Government, provincial Party Committee, Agencies and Enterprises Bloc’s Party Committee and resolutions of the VSIP Party Committee among all Party members. In the first quarter of 2024, the Party cell sent Party members to news sessions organized by the bloc’s Party Committee. In addition, the Party cell received the attention and support from the Standing Committee of the Bloc’s Party Committee, the VSIP Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the VSIP Trade Union as well as the directorate of the company in activities related to the Party work and Trade Union activities. In the first quarter of 2024, the Party cell sent 5 outstanding workers to classes for the Party’s candidates organized by the superior Party Committee...

Comrade Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation presents a portrait of President Ho Chi Minh to the company's Party cell

Sharing about some tasks in the coming time, comrade Tran Hung Dao said that the company’s Party cell will coordinate with the company's Trade Union to integrate programs and activities to propagandize the Party's documents and resolutions, raising raise workers' awareness of the Party organization while setting up a learning plan to improve professional skills for Party committees and Party members and strive to achieve the goal of admitting new Party members.

Addressing the survey, Mr. Loi spoke highly of the results in the company's production and business activities as well as the efforts of the company's Party cell, contributing to the common success of the company. He affirmed that the masses' efforts in joining the Party are to determine the goal of commitment and dedication to building and protecting the country. Therefore, the Party cell and each Party member in the enterprise must uphold the sense of responsibility and determination to successfully complete assigned tasks, contributing to helping the enterprise develop constantly.

He noted that in the coming time, the company’ Party cell needs to uphold its role in gathering the masses, providing guidance to improve skills for workers, enhancing labor productivity while paying attention to the lives of workers. “The company’s Party cell and Trade Union must grasp the housing needs of workers to make recommendations to the province; grasp the learning of workers' children, the thoughts and aspirations of workers... Thus, it is required that the Party cell must uphold its role and be close to workers. These are practical and meaningful jobs, joining hands with the company to take better care of the material and spiritual lives of workers...", he said.

Comrade Nguyen Van Loi hopes that in the coming time, the company’s Party cell will further overcome difficulties, promote its role and responsibilities, maintain the nature of the working class and the Party's ideals and take care of workers’ lives in all aspects, contributing to building up a stronger and stronger Party cell, making more contributions to the production and business activities of the company as well as the overall development of the province.

Foster Electronics Co.Ltd. is a 100% foreign-invested enterprise, with 4 facilities in Vietnam and its headquarters located in Binh Duong-based VSIP II. The company specializes in manufacturing electronic products such as large and small speakers, signal horns, vibrating devices, headphones, speaker components..., with about 5,000 workers, including 700 in Binh Duong...

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

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