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Various activities celebrating glorious Communist Party

Update: 03-02-2018 | 16:21:35

Celebrating the 88th anniversary of Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) establishment (February 3, 1930 to February 3, 2018), the Standing Committee of Provincial Youth’s League has organized various activities to improve awareness and patriotism with stimulation of people’s pride and youth spirit in springtime.

The contents aiming to celebrating the 88th anniversary of Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) establishment (February 3, 1930 to February 3, 2018) have been carried out by all-level Youth’s League in the province in accordance with the plan drawn out to propagate and educate of glorious history of CPV, the greatness of President Ho Chi Minh in revolutionary cause of Vietnam and international communist and worker activities, the implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW of Politburo on ‘promotion of learning and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, ethics and styles’.

On the other hand, organizations of the Provincial Youth’s League have promoted the propagation and education of gratitude tradition by honoring and thanking the great contribution and devotion of the people and veteran revolutionists.

In a bid to implement action plans of the Youth’s League and resolutions and directives of the Party as well as policies and laws of the State for the youths and their activities, all-level Youth’s League of the province focused on propagation of resolutions of the 10th Congress of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth’s League and the 11th National Youth’s League Congress.

Ms. Tran Thi Diem Trinh, Deputy Chairwoman of Provincial Youth’s League said: “On February 8, we shall organize a conference of learning and disseminating resolutions of the 11th congress of 2017-2022 tenure. The conference shall report the outcomes of the congress and action plans of the 11th congress of the 2017-2022 tenure. Thereon, all-level organizations detailed the resolutions Youth’s League and movements of children in real life effectively.”

Dau Tieng District Youth’s League organizes revolutionary singing contest to honor the glorious CPV. Photo: N. Y

Celebrating the glorious Party, the delegation at various levels have diversified forms of propaganda such as conferences and information channels of the Youth League, on social networks, youth news on district radio stations, communes, and wards to affirm the leadership of the Party towards the revolutionary achievements and the improvement of the leadership capacity and the struggle of the Party in the process of international integration. In addition, the delegation also praised the works and the practical role of youth union members, model members, and youths excelling in learning President Ho Chi Minh. Along with the propaganda, the provincial Youth League has also launched an emulation campaign to celebrate the glorious Party and to strengthen and promote the spirit of volunteerism of members and youths in working together to build up an increasingly civilized and modern Binh Duong. The league units have launched many movements and emulation activities in areas such as good production and business operations and assurance of security and traffic safety during Tet. Accordingly, the districts, towns, and the Youth League have actively carried out the activities, works and tasks. Young people at grassroots levels according to the above contents organize cultural and artistic activities with contents of praising the Party, praising President Ho Chi Minh and the nation. It has provoked national pride and the spirit of young people by the practical activities to celebrate the Party and the spring.

Reported by Nhu Y – Translated by Vi Bao

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