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Venezuela, Vietnam forge stronger partnership

Update: 01-09-2015 | 16:20:26

 Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh met with visiting Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez in Hanoi on August 31, during which both sides affirmed to closely collaborate in promoting bilateral cooperation, especially in energy, oil and gas, agriculture and aquatic farming. 

Deputy PM Minh stated that Vietnam constantly supports the constitutional government of President Nicolas Maduro Moros, expressing his belief that the Venezuelan people will overcome difficulties and achieve successes in their national construction. 

PM Rodriguez, who is also Vice President of the Venezuelan State oil and gas corporation PDVSA, pledged to continue supporting the two countries’ joint ventures in Venezuela by removing obstacles. 

She also expressed her hope that the Vietnamese Government would pay more attention to the prompt implementation of cooperation projects in agriculture, seafood and animal breeding in her country. 

Both sides agreed that bilateral ties are growing, evidenced by fruitful outcomes during visits of senior leaders of each country. 

They affirmed to regularly maintain and enhance the efficiency of political consultations between the two Foreign Ministries, aiming to forge stronger bilateral partnerships in various fields. 

On multilateral cooperation, both sides shared similarities in positions of regional and global issues of shared interest. 

They confirmed to continue fostering coordination at international organisations and multilateral forums, especially the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement and South-South Cooperation. 

Deputy PM Minh also thanked Venezuela for backing Vietnam during the country’s bid for seats at international organisations. He vowed that Vietnam will work closely with Venezuela in organising the Non-Aligned Movement Summit slated for Venezuela in 2016.


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