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Vietcombank Binh Duong exceeds its plans

Update: 28-02-2011 | 00:00:00

Vietcombank Binh Duong on Feb. 26 held a conference for laborers. Accordingly, in the past year, the bank employees excelled their entrusted goals with the total capital mobilization of over VND4tril, lending turnover of VND12,697bil, lending outstanding loan of VND4,860bil, international payment turnover of US$948mil…


Vietcombank Binh Duong director (left) signs a 2011 collective labor agreement.

The branch has excelled policies for laborers with an average income of VND8.6mil per capita per month… The conference also ratified a collective labor agreement 2011.

On the occasion, the branch director Nguyen Dinh Phuc launched an emulation movement 2011 with the motto of “safety-efficiency-quality” and strived to reach a 21% rise of lending outstanding loan, a 29 increase of capital mobilization, a VND150bil profit…

Reported by M.Duy – Translated by A.C

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