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Vietnam creates favourable conditions for internet development

Update: 20-02-2011 | 00:00:00

Vietnamese people can easily access the internet at a very low cost, said Luu Vu Hai, Director General of the Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information under the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC).

 Hai emphasized this in an interview with a VOV reporter in response to a speech made by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the restriction of internet freedom in Vietnam.

 VOV: What do you think about Clinton’s speech concerning internet freedom in Vietnam?

 Mr. Hai: Like most countries in the world, Vietnam’s internet management policies focus on promoting the sector’s development and creating better conditions for all people to have easy access to it.

 There are differences in the legal systems of countries, even of states within a country. Therefore, “internet freedom” in different countries is understood in different ways.

 In fact, Vietnamese people can gain cheap and convenient access to the internet.

 VOV: Can you outline the development of the internet since it first appeared in Vietnam?

 Mr. Hai: The internet appeared in Vietnam in 1997 and the number of people with access to it is now estimated at 27 million, or 31 percent of the population, with hundreds of service providers.

 Since 2003, the number of internet users and websites in Vietnam has seen a steady increase and technical resources for internet development are always being expanded. Vietnam now has hundreds of online newspapers, thousands of information portals and millions of personal blogs.

 Vietnam is now leading the region in internet growth and is among the countries with the greatest internet development in the world. This reflects the effectiveness of the country’s internet management policies which are making the service more and more popular in Vietnam.

 VOV: In response to reporters’ questions about internet freedom in Vietnam on February 17, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Nguyen Phuong Nga said, although Vietnam always creates the best possible conditions for internet users, all information on the Internet must abide by the law so it does not affect the country’s customs, social morality, and national security. Can you talk more about this?

 Mr. Hai: Vietnam always attaches great importance to developing internet service and this is mentioned in the country’s legal documents related to internet management such as the laws on information technology and telecommunications.

 Government's Decree 97 on the management, supply and use of internet services and information on the internet encourages the application of internet in economic, cultural, and social activities to increase productivity, expand trade promotion, support administrative reform, and improve people’s living conditions.

 Vietnam always creates favourable conditions for organizations and individuals to provide and use the internet and promote the communication under the law related to internet. We will also prevent internet abuse that may negatively affect national security, the country’s customs and traditions, and social morality.

 This is also a general trend in internet management policies of many countries all over the world.

 VOV: Thank you very much!


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