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Vietnam, Cuba strengthen educational cooperation

Update: 22-04-2013 | 00:00:00

 Vietnam and Cuba have freshly signed an agreement on higher education exchange and cooperation and renewed commitments to continuously cementing their ties on human resource training and scientific research.

That outcome came from the talks between Minister of Education and Training Pham Vu Luan and Cuban Minister of Higher Education Rodolfo Alarcon during the former’s visit to Cuba from April 16-20.

At the talks, Minister Luan thanked the Cuban Party and Government for training thousands of Vietnamese officials, experts and engineers in the last decades.

Rodolfo Alarcon told his guest that education has been a top priority of the Cuban Government over the past 50 years, and that recent educational reforms in his country have concentrated much on improving the quality of tertiary education.

During the visit, Minister Luan met with Cuban First Vice President of State Council and Council of Ministers Miguel Diaz Canel, who stated that Cuba always stands side by side with Vietnam in educating their young generations on patriotism and equipping them with knowledge to make their nations strong, just and civilised.

Luan also had a working session with Cuban Education Minister Ena Elsa Hernandez to share experience and information on the local education system, particularly the education for the disabled.

He met with Vietnamese students studying at Cuban universities in Havana./.


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