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Vietnam Fatherland Front leader visits Laos

Update: 02-12-2013 | 00:00:00
President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Nguyen Thien Nhan has praised the Vietnamese Embassy and the overseas Vietnamese (OV) community in Laos for their successful integration into their host country. President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan met with Lao President Chummaly Saynhasone The VFF leader made the appraisal at a meeting with overseas Vietnamese people at the embassy’s headquarters in Vientiane on December 1 as part of his two-day visit to Laos. He informed OVs about Vietnam’s socio-economic situation over the recent past, stressing the success of the freshly-concluded sixth session of the National Assembly. During the sitting, the legislature touched upon many important issues, especially the approval of the revised Constitution, he said, noting that this legal document emphasises OVs as an integral component of the Vietnamese population. Nhan voiced his hope that the overseas Vietnamese community will contribute more to the national construction at home as well as the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries. Earlier, Nhan met with Lao Party General Secretary and President Chummaly Saynhasone on November 30, during which he affirmed that the front, together with the Party and people of Vietnam, will do its utmost to foster the special relationship. He briefed his host on the outcomes of his talks with leaders of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC), saying the two sides agreed to enhance their comprehensive cooperation and implement their cooperative agreements during the 2011-2016 period. For his part, President Saynhasone expressed his hope that Nhan, in his new post as VFF President, will contribute further to strengthening the special ties between the neighbours. During his visit to Laos, which was made at the invitation of LFNC Central Committee, Nhan, on behalf of President Truong Tan Sang, presented seven Independence Orders of different classes to LFNC leaders and many friendship orders and medals to Lao front officials, who have greatly contributed to the Vietnam-Laos special solidarity. VNA
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