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Vietnamese goods to be sold in foreign supermarkets

Update: 01-02-2012 | 00:00:00

The purchasing division of LotteMart Vietnam, the owner of a chain of supermarkets, is preparing to offer Vietnamese goods for sale at 122 foreign overseas supermarkets, including 94 in China and 28 others in Indonesia.

 A LotteMart Vietnam representative said the parent group in the Republic of Korea is working with Vietnamese embassies in Indonesia and China to introduce Vietnamese goods in these countries via promotion programmes.

 According to the representative, by early 2012, LotteMart have brought Vietnamese goods, including cooking utensils, sauces, spices, milk, coffee, tea, instant porridge and noodles, confectionery and seafood for sale at 97 supermarkets in the RoK.  

 Meanwhile, Big C Vietnam exported 1,000 containers of Vietnamese goods worth over US$17 million in 2011, according to Duong Thi Quynh Trang, Director of Big C External Affairs and Public Relations Department. 

 Since it entered the Vietnamese market, Big C set up an export-import division, a member of Casino Global Sourcing, which is a goods supplier for France’s Casino group. The division has boosted the export of garments, interior and exterior decorations and food produced by 70 Vietnamese businesses. Thanks to its efforts, Vietnamese products have been put on sale at Casino’s supermarket and shop chains, such as Casino, Geant, Go Sport and Monoprix in France, Pao de Acucar in Brazil, Vindemia in India, Exito in Colombia and Libertad in Argentina.

Vietnamese goods, with their own characteristics and varieties, attract a lot of foreign customers, said Trang. However, she said, domestic producers should modernize production process to create higher quality products in order to meet the demands of overseas markets.

 The LotteMart Vietnam representative said Vietnamese goods are cheaper than locally-made goods, and qualified to enter the RoK market.

 Apart from this, RoK-based LotteMart as well as relevant agencies in the country have created favourable conditions for the import of Vietnamese products so they can reach customers quickly.

 From the success in the RoK, LotteMart group has decided to accelerate the progress of sending Vietnamese commodities to China and Indonesia and also plans to send them to other countries.


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