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Vietnamese prefer Vietnamese goods

Update: 20-02-2011 | 00:00:00

Nearly 60 percent of Vietnamese consumers prefer domestic goods, according to the survey by the Institute for Social Opinions Research.

There has been a considerable increase in the number of people who choose domestically-manufactured goods over imported ones. In Ho Chi Minh city alone, domestic commodities made up 95 percent of goods on sale in supermarkets in the first six months of 2010.

Textiles, garments and footwear produced domestically were favoured by as many as 80 percent of the consumers. Fruits and vegetables were chosen by 58 percent, home appliances by 49 percent, and cars and motorbikes by 18 percent.

Huynh Dam, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and Head of the Committee for the movement ‘Vietnamese people using Vietnamese goods’ says the movement has received enthusiastic response from the business circles and social groups over the past year.

As part of the movement, many localities and businesses have used various creative measures to increase national pride and sense of responsibility among local people.

However, Vu Trong Kim, Secretary General of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, says that bad practice of producing and trading counterfeit goods still prevails in some places, causing losses to manufacturers.

The National Committee for the Movement ‘Vietnamese using Vietnamese goods’ have outlined 11 core tasks for the future, including involving more entrepreneurs and encouraging domestic manufacturers to improve their technology and management to raise their products’ quality while reducing their prices.


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