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Voters of Thuan An petition for fundamentally solving problems on traffic and urban development

Update: 22-04-2023 | 10:42:05

*Provincial Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Loi visits Hero of People’s Armed Forces Doan Van Thai

Early April 21, Nguyen Van Loi, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation and National Assembly deputies of the constituency No.3 had a meeting with voters in Thuan An city.

After hearing a report by provincial National Assembly deputy delegation on the proposed content of the 5th session of the 14th National Assembly, voters of Thuan An city expressed many opinions related to the following fields: Transport infrastructure, unreasonable distribution of traffic; the publicity and transparency of toll collection time of toll stations; environmental protection... They also reflected that medicine and functional foods have been advertised a lot on the mass media and social networks, but people have not seen authorities involved in the crisis for correction. In addition, they mentioned a problem of encroaching on pavement and roads for trade activities, badly affecting traffic safety and urban beauty. Many voters mentioned the situation that some residential areas in the area have not completed legal procedures as well as infrastructure construction for many years, which not only causes disadvantages for people, but also affects the urban image of Thuan An city in particular and Binh Duong province in general. The local voters asked for relevant authorities to solve the above-mentioned problems as soon as possible.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Loi asked for leaders of provincial Department of Transport, Department of Construction, the People's Committee of Thuan An city and relevant sectors to answer questions by the local voters in detail; seriously absorb the opinions and recommendations of the people for solutions under their competence. He also requested each level and each sector to review the settlement of complaints and denunciations of citizens, absolutely not delaying in handling them.

Regarding voters' feedback on shortcomings in the construction of residential projects in Thuan An city, provincial Party Committee Secretary asked for provincial Department of Construction to review and summarize projects on residential areas with many backlog problems and propose solutions to report to provincial Party Standing Committee ahead of May 30, 2023.

*Earlier, on the morning of the same day, Mr. Loi together with leaders of a number of provincial departments and sectors, leaders of Thuan An city, Binh Nham ward visited and presented gifts to the Hero of People’s Armed Forces Doan Van Thai, former Battalion commander of Phu Loi Battalion in Binh Nham ward on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975 - April 30, 2023).

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

Thuan An
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