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Whole province has over 3,300 people in isolation facilities

Update: 03-11-2021 | 11:33:21

Under the local policy of gradually reducing and moving towards the elimination of concentrated isolation areas, Binh Duong province has converted concentrated isolation facilities in districts, towns and cities into treatment areas.

Accordingly, the whole province has 1,762 isolation areas dissolved while the remaining 14 facilities have been converted into treatment areas on the first floor. These 14 treatment facilities are arranged across the province. Among them, there are 4 in Thuan An city and 3 in Ben Cat town. The total number of people currently being isolated at these facilities is 3,300, including 200 F1 cases, 1,000 cases with positive Covid-19 rapid test results and 2,000 F0 cases.

Reported by Kim Ha-Translated by Kim Tin

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