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Women public servants’ beauty contest honors the beauty of Vietnamese women

Update: 07-03-2022 | 11:50:53

To practically respond to The Week of Wearing Áo Dài and activities to celebrate International Women's Day 8 March, on the evening of 5 March, Tan Uyen Town Labor Confederation held a beauty contest for women public servants of the town.

There were 46 teams from grassroots trade unions of non-business administrative agencies, communes, wards and schools in the town. The contest aimed to honor the beauty, elegance, confidence and professionalism of women officials and trade union members; at the same time, to preserve the good tradition and cultural value of Vietnamese women; to improve the beautiful image of women officials and trade union members in the implementation of office culture - urban civilization lifestyle. This was also an opportunity for candidates to show their talents, improve knowledge, learn from each other's experience.

At the end of the contest, the organizers awarded first prize to Huynh Thi Thanh Huong (Trade Union of Hoi Nghia ward), second prize to contestants Nguyen Huynh Yen Nhi (Nguyen Quoc Phu Junior High School) and Nguyen Thi Hanh (Town Office of Culture and Information).

Reported by Quynh Anh – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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