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Woring people benefit comprehensive care

Update: 14-12-2023 | 11:13:05

In 2023, businesses in Tan Uyen city are facing difficulties with orders and production, including those in the wood industry. In order to help workers stabilize their lives, the Tan Uyen City Labor Union actively cooperates with the local government and grassroots trade unions to take care of the workers' physical and mental well-being.

The Trade Union leaders of Tan Uyen city have recently collaborated with the provincial Trade Union to provide assistance according to Decision No. 7785/QD-TLD of the Vietnam General Trade Union to the workers of Kim To Co. Ltd. in Tan Phuoc Khanh ward

Diverse activities

In an interview discussing the activities of the city Trade Union in 2023, Ms. Luu Thi Tuyet Trinh, Chairwoman of the Tan Uyen Trade Union, shared: "It is predicted that the production situation in 2023 will face many difficulties. Therefore, during the Lunar New Year of the Year of the Cat 2023, grassroots trade unions have been disseminating and mobilizing workers to celebrate the spring festival frugally, comply with legal regulations, and return to work on time (achieving a rate of 95%). However, many businesses are facing difficulties and have to narrow down their production activities due to a lack of orders, labor cuts, and the impact on workers' income and livelihoods. In response to this situation, local authorities and trade unions have concentrated resources to take care of members and workers in need.”

Recently, Tan Uyen city promptly reviewed the number of workers who have lost their jobs, been laid off, and those facing difficulties due to businesses lacking orders in order to provide timely support in accordance with Decision No. 7785/QD-TLD dated August 25, 2023, of the Vietnam General Trade Union. As a result, the city labor union has visited Kim To Co. Ltd. in Tan Phuoc Khanh ward to hand over 126 million dong to the workers, averaging 2 million VND per person. Currently, the grassroots trade unions in various enterprises are actively reviewing to ensure timely support for the workers in accordance with the decision.

Previously, during the Workers' Month in 2023, the city labor union collaborated with the local government and grassroots unions to organize various meaningful activities such as visiting and giving gifts to workers facing special difficulties, organizing recreational and sports activities from the grassroots level to the city. At the same time, the unit coordinated with the provincial labor federation to visit and present gifts to dozens of cases from the "Support Fund for Workers with Particularly Difficult Circumstances"; reviewed and supported the construction of "Trade Union Shelter" houses for many cases. In the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, the city labor federation, in collaboration with local authorities and grassroots trade unions, awarded millions of dong in scholarships to underprivileged students to enable them to attend school.

One meaningful activity is during annual holidays and festivals, the Trade Union of Tan Uyen city collaborates with local departments and agencies to provide essential supplies, gifts, and visits to thousands of workers, especially those who are unable to return to their hometown for the holidays. The unit has launched discounted purchasing programs, original prices, and "zero-VND market" in communes, wards, businesses, and densely populated areas with workers, helping laborers save on expenses and maintain stable livelihoods amidst the common difficulties faced by businesses.

Benefits of working people protected

Beside taking care of both material and spiritual aspects of life, the Trade Union of Tan Uyen city also implements various activities and movements, gathering a large number of party members and workers to participate in the patriotic competition. A typical example is the program "1 million initiatives - efforts to overcome difficulties, creativity, and determination to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic" launched by the Vietnam General Trade Union, in which the city has 18 collectives being commended. The unit regularly collaborates with grassroots trade unions, committees, and local authorities to engage in dialogue with businesses, understand the aspirations and contributions of workers, and build harmonious and stable relationships. Its aim is to improve the well-being of workers and prevent disputes and litigation.

In 2023, the Labor Union of Tan Uyen city provided direct consultation and assistance to 94 cases and received 105 calls from workers regarding salary, bonuses, and insurance policies. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, the Trade Union of Tan Uyen City, in collaboration with the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs and the Social Insurance Agency, organized a conference to disseminate the Labor Law, Social Insurance Law, and Trade Union Law to 500 grassroots union officials. The organization conducted awareness campaigns on social insurance policies and draft social insurance laws for nearly 1,400 union members and workers in various enterprises. The aim was to provide timely support, clarification, and advice to workers and employers regarding difficulties and challenges in accessing social insurance benefits, health insurance, and unemployment insurance. These activities contributed to enhancing the awareness of employers and workers in complying with social insurance policies and regulations on health insurance, as stipulated.

Beside the activities of taking care of the workers' livelihoods and building a strong trade union organization, there are still some limitations that need to be overcome in the near future. That is the leadership and guidance work of the Trade Union Executive Committee at some units that have not been proactive, active, close to reality, and have poor operational quality. The city labor federation will continue to improve leadership and guidance work, especially in organizing competitive movements; discovering, nurturing, and replicating advanced models, especially the implementation of high-quality models. Along with that, the units will further enhance dialogue, negotiation, and signing of collective labor agreements,” Ms. Luu Thi Tuyet Trinh added.

Reported by Quang Tam – Translated by Vi Bao

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