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Working people health – the assets of enterprises

Update: 23-06-2023 | 15:30:20

In the context of being severely impacted after the COVID-19 pandemic, many units, localities and businesses in the province continue to pay attention to and take care of workers' health and prevent occupational diseases. However, this work in reality has not been paid enough attention to by many employers.

Employees of Saigon Stec Co. Ltd. in Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park 2 are equipped with personal protective equipment in their work

Periodic health examinations

The health of employees is one of the decisive factors to create the material value of the enterprises. Ho Mung Dung, Human Resources Manager of Omexey Home Furnishing Vietnam Joint Stock Company at Tan Hiep ward of Tan Uyen city, said: “The company specializes in manufacturing wooden furniture of 100% Taiwanese investment capital with more than 900 workers. The company determines that employees' health is the asset and precious capital resource of the enterprise, so annually we organize periodic health checks to detect occupational diseases. By health examination, if an employee is found to have an illness, he or she will be transferred to a specialized medical facility for treatment. Those whose health is not guaranteed with their current job position will be transferred to another department for working. The company provides personal protective equipment for employees. Canteens and meals are to ensure food safety”.

At Chi Hung Company Limited in Tan Uyen city, the provincial Family Planning Association has just coordinated with the Board of Directors of the company to organize cervical cancer screening for female employees. Tran Thuy Binh, an employee, said: “Every year, the company gives female employees free health check-ups and consultations. We are examined by obstetricians and gynecologists, clinical examination for early detection of cancer, general ultrasound, and health care knowledge for ourselves and our families. For workers like us, these examinations and screenings are very meaningful both to save costs and to know our health status to work with peace of mind."

According to the provincial Family Planning Association, in the past year, the association has coordinated with units and localities in the province to screen cervical cancer for 15,300 workers. As a result, 65 abnormal cases were detected; 31 cases were transferred to Tu Du Hospital, of which 4 very severe cases from Phu Giao district, Dau Tieng district, Bac Tan Uyen district and Chi Hung Co. Ltd. were being treated. Mild cases but belonging to the high-risk group are being monitored and re-tested according to the protocols.

Neglection in various businesses

Annually, the number of units and enterprises in the province that organize periodical health check-ups for employees is constantly increasing. In which, most large enterprises have well implemented regulations on occupational safety and hygiene and periodical health checks to detect occupational diseases for employees. In contrast, smaller businesses or production and business establishments have not well performed the work of occupational safety and hygiene without due attention to the health care of employees nor periodical medical examination and occupational disease examination for employees. There is still a situation where employees work in unsafe environment and conditions, and do not get any proper rest. A part of employees, not clearly understand the factors and occupational harms, are still subjective and indifferent in protecting their own health by using no personal protective equipment on working.

Assessing the working conditions of workers in enterprises, production and business establishments, Pham Van Tuyen, Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, said: “Currently, the majority of all units are equipped with personal protective equipment in accordance with regulations. In enterprises, production and business establishments, the measurement and examination of the working environment is carried out in order to collect, analyze and evaluate environmental factors in labor at the workplace as a basis for bringing take measures to minimize harm to health and prevent occupational diseases for employees. The results of measurement and inspection of the working environment at a number of production units show that the standards for toxic gases, dust, and light are in the allowable standards. However, in reality, health care for employees has not been paid regular attention to by many employers in the province.

Reported by H.Linh – N. Trai – Translated by Vi Bao

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