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Works of art about women and women artists

Update: 05-03-2024 | 12:36:51

Despite experiencing many ups and downs in history, Vietnamese women still preserve their own beauty. Modern beauty blends seamlessly with traditional virtues to create the look and personality of today's women with the pure Vietnamese nature. Therefore, women are the source of inspiration for literary and artistic creations of many writers and artists, including writers and artists of Binh Duong.

Oil painting "A glimpse of Ha Long" by Pham Thi Hong Xuyen

Love for hometown mother

In every person's life, whether in daily life or in career, they need a support. For author Pham Thanh Phong, the biggest, steadiest and most sacred fulcrum is the mother. The image of a country mother taking care of her husband and children is beautiful, because: "In my heart for the rest of my life, my heart will always sing / You are not the wind blowing down on my life / You are a blade of grass, greening the soul...".

In the song "I love you so much, Mom", Thanh Phong portrayed the image of a miserable country mother with "many bird's footprints, hair faded from wind and frost, shoulders thin and heavy, old clothes worn out, thin, barren hands taking care of her husband and children...". The mother's sacrifices and lullabies "ah oh" nurtured and raised her child into a person: "Let me be a human/ Full of faith and vitality/ Even if I go through life/ I can't go all the way/ Lullabies, ah...".

Stories about a mother from Binh Duong on Tet days are also expressed with overwhelming feelings of nostalgia in the essay “Diệm gốm da lươn của ngoại” by author Trang Dinh. “Diệm gốm” is used by country mothers to make many Tet dishes, such as: pickled bean sprouts, to mix cake flour... And the memories of the whole family gathering together to make cakes always well up in the author's heart every time Tet comes and spring comes.

Writing about hometown mothers with feelings of love, nostalgia and pride, many authors have expressed their hearts in very unique words about the changes in Binh Duong during the process of urbanization and modernization. It can be mentioned in the essay "Mother's House" by author Luu Thanh Tuu or the poem "This spring I return to visit my mother" by author Kim Ngoan...

Confidently create art

Life is increasingly modern, women in literary and artistic works are also expressed more and more beautifully and deeply. In the oil painting "A Glimpse of Ha Long" by artist Pham Thi Hong Xuyen, we encounter the image of a woman in the work with a very unique beauty. It is a woman confidently posing for photographers to capture moments in front of beautiful natural scenery.

Artist Pham Thi Hong Xuyen said: "A Glimpse of Ha Long" is a realistic painting with the main color being cobalt blue, capturing beautiful moments of professional and amateur photographers working with the model, a girl expressing her movements. dance in front of the charming scenery of sky, clouds, and water.

Women today are not only a source of inspiration, but they are also creators of art to contribute to beautifying life. Talking to us, photographer Pham Minh Giang said that women participating in photography clearly demonstrates gender equality. Their works tend to depict the gentle beauty and landscapes of spring flowers and grass. In particular, they have many very sophisticated works on the topic of children and family.

Sharing with us about the works displayed in the Fine Arts Exhibition celebrating the 66th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Fine Arts Association, author Vo Thi Kim Huong, teacher of Sculpture Faculty at Binh Duong Fine Arts and Culture Junior College, said he was very happy to be able to contribute to the exhibition with the work "Friends" with the image of a woman and a cat. The work carries the message that despite loneliness and loss of emotions in today's modern life, women are still strong through expressing shapes and always have their love emotions.

For author Kim Huong, when women create art, they exude a very pure beauty because they are in control of themselves, expressing all their emotions and sensibilities in life through composition, shapes and forms. your topic. However, women are limited in terms of health in using creative materials such as wood, stone... to express works that bring the highest value in the sculptural language.

“Despite having to worry about many things from family, work or other daily tasks, the female members of the association always have a very high creative spirit. They participate in many activities of other groups, Unions and Associations, so their ability to create new works is becoming more and more effective, the works are increasingly approaching the contemporary development of Vietnamese art in general. Binh Duong in general private".

(Mr. Ngo Phuoc Chanh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Literature and Arts Association)


Reported by Thuc Van - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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