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Workshop looks for best practices of digital transformation in ASEAN media

Update: 22-09-2023 | 15:53:27

The ASEAN Workshop on Best Practices of Digital Transformation in Media was held in the central city of Da Nang on September 21, in the framework of the 16th Conference of ASEAN Ministers Responsive for Information and related Meetings (AMRI).

At the ASEAN Workshop on Best Practices of Digital Transformation in Media. (Photo: VNA)

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Lam stressed ASEAN member states should share experience as well as sound strategies to promote sustainable digitalisation among the media agencies, given traditional communications activities having lost its share and revenue to cross-border platforms due to the boom of digital technologies.

Lam added that the workshop serves as a platform for ASEAN countries to share their outlining of policies as well as measures to promote digital transformation in media, seen as a basis for the countries to continue discussion, devise initiatives and prioritise cooperation in the time to come.

Zul-Fakhri Maidy, a representative from Brunei, expressed his hope that ASEAN countries will enhance collaboration to promote digitalisation in media agencies through technical training, organisation of programmes to exchange communications content via the Internet, and campaign to raise public awareness of intellectual property.

Luu Dinh Phuc, Director General of the Authority of Press under the Ministry of Information and Communications, said that the Vietnamese Government has built a tool to evaluate the development of Vietnamese media, helping media agencies carry out their digitalisation with rational measures and development strategies.

A set of indicators has been issued to measures the maturity of media agencies’ digital transformation, he said, suggesting that ASEAN should develop similar ones to improve the quality of journalistic works.

Delegates to the ASEAN Workshop on Best Practices of Digital Transformation in Media. (Photo: VNA)

The 16th AMRI meeting, the 7th AMRI Plus Three meeting, and related senior officials' meetings are taking place in Da Nang City from September 20 to 23.

The events, hosted by Vietnam, draw the participation of nine other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Timor-Leste as an observer, and three partner countries – Japan, the Republic of Korea, and China.

The meetings, themed “Media: From Information to Knowledge for a Resilient and Responsive ASEAN”, discuss orientations for the ASEAN cooperation in information and communications./.


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