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Workshop on architecture report and demonstration solution to build Binh Duong province as a smart urban area

Update: 04-08-2018 | 20:52:18

In the afternoon of August 3, the provincial People's Committee coordinated with AIC Advanced Joint Stock Company to hold a seminar on architecture and demonstration solutions to build Binh Duong province into a smart urban area.

Attending the workshop was Tran Van Nam, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the provincial National Assembly Delegation, Head of the Binh Duong Smart City Project Steering Committee; Tran Thanh Liem, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Advisory Council of the three projects of Binh Duong Smart City; Mai Hung Dung, Standing Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Executive Board of Binh Duong Smart City; Nguyen Van Hung, Standing Member of Provincial Party Committee, General Director of Becamex IDC Corporation, member of Steering Committee of Binh Duong Smart City, leaders of departments and unions in the province.

Provincial leaders and participants attend the workshop

At the conference, international experts and AIC International Advanced Joint Stock Company introduced smart urban construction solutions. Many solutions have been demonstrated on the implementation of general architectural framework on TPTM, information technology platform, integrated axis and operating center of BD province, socio-economic forecast center, urban management, intelligent education, smart health, smart job training, safe city, cyber security, emergency center, EOC axis integrated ...

Conference scene

Mai Hung Dung, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee delivers the opening speech

Manuel Fradera Jimenez from Spain presents the Center for Operations and Intelligent City Integration

Through the process of research and construction, the Binh Duong Smart City project was approved by the provincial People's Committee in November 2016. According to the Board of Management of Binh Duong Smart City, although the project is still new and completely unprecedented in Vietnam, the past has not avoided the shortcomings in organizing and implementing projects. With the close attention and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the provincial People's Committee, Binh Duong Smart City Project has basically completed the foundation phase, strategic orientation, implementation. The breakthrough projects to launch and start a new phase are the implementation of specific projects in a holistic and comprehensive manner, with the participation of the whole system, contributing more and more powerful This is the foundation for socio-economic development in Binh Duong. In order for the project to be widely deployed and actually put into practice, in 2018, the province will speed up the propagation and rapid deployment of programs and projects of branches and domains, especially, the program serving the interests of the community and businesses.

Reported by Xuan Thi – Phuong Le – Translated by Vi Bao

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