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Worthy of Party, government and people’s trust and love

Update: 01-12-2023 | 11:38:18

Today (December 1), Binh Duong Newspaper solemnly holds a get-together to celebrate the 47th founding anniversary of Song Be Newspaper – Binh Duong Newspaper (December 1, 1976 – December 1, 2023) and award prizes of the 2nd contest on press works with the theme of “I love Binh Duong”.

Vigorious development

On December 1, 1976, Song Be Newspaper - Binh Duong Newspaper was officially established and right after that the first issue was released on December 10, 1976. During the past 47 years, Song Be Newspaper - Binh Duong Newspaper has reached strong development in both form and content quality, creating attraction for readers. With an initial contingent of officials and reporters of over 10 people, despite facing many difficulties in terms of working conditions, Song Be Newspaper at that time made efforts to successfully complete the tasks assigned by the Party, State and people.

Truong Thi Bich Hanh, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee's Propaganda and Education Commission and Le Minh Tung, Party Secretary, Editor-in-Chief of Binh Duong Newspaper award prizes of the first contest on press works with the theme of “I love Binh Duong” to winning authors and author groups

From the first issues with 4 pages published every 10 days per issue, after 47 years of construction and development, Song Be Newspaper, now being Binh Duong Newspaper, has developed strongly, always improved its contents and forms with increase in the number of pages and copies . To date, Binh Duong Newspaper has published 6 weekly issues and organized its activities unnder the converged editorial model. Along with the development of the print newspaper, from mid-April 2004, the website of Binh Duong Electronic Newspaper was upgraded and  expanded its  interface. Binh Duong Electronic Newspaper has so  far  had 3 versions in Vietnamese, English and Chinese; Binh Duong Newspaper television online…

Constant improvement

The program "I love Binh Duong" on Binh Duong Electronic Newspaper and online platforms, including Facebook, Zalo, YouTube and Podcast program has aimed at promoting tourism, culture, and people of Binh Duong, attracting a large number of readers at home and abroad, contributing to popularizing a dynamic, properous and beautiful Binh Duong full of sentimental attachment...

In any periods, Binh Duong Newspaper has continuously "refreshed" itself by changing content strategies and diversifying forms of conveying information to readers accurately, objectively and honestly. Binh Duong Newspaper has implemented its correct principles and goals; well performed its role as the agency of the Party Committee of Binh Duong province, the voice of the Party, government and people of Binh Duong province; as a bridge between the Party and the people, orienting and providing official information on the Party's viewpoints, policies, guidelines and the State's legal policies, refuting distorted, false, and hostile information, providing information officially, honestly and promptly for officials, Party members and people from all  strata in and out of the province.

Particularlly, Binh Duong Newspaper continued effectively propagandizing the implementation of resolutions of provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 tenure and the resolutions of all-level Party congresses in all sectors, localities in the province; especially implemented specialized pages and topics on issues related to the local socio-economic development; brought resolutions into life; implemented the Directive 05-CT/TW... over the past time. The newspaper also carried out many series of articles recording the situation of socio-economic development, national defense - security, Party building, political system building...

Possibly speaking, Binh Duong Newspaper has truly created highlights, further affirming the position and prestige of the local Party newspaper agency and contributing to the glorious career of Vietnam's revolutionary press. Noticeably, the program "I love Binh Duong" on Binh Duong electronic newspaper and online platforms Facebook, Zalo, YouTube and Podcast program has aimed at promoting tourism, culture and people of Binh Duong, attracting a large number of readers at home and abroad, contributing to popularizing a dynamic, developed, prosperous and beautiful Binh Duong full of sentimental attachment.

To meet requirements in the new context, Binh Duong Newspaper always focuses on training and improving political and professional expertise for officials and reporters.

In 2023, Binh Duong Newspaper has also conducted a series of political articles and reports on the current affairs of the province, namely "When the owner of a private enterprise is the Party member", "Tricks to cheat workers after Tet", "Hidden dangers from e-cigarettes", "Opening up the "blockage" of drugs and medical supplies", "Solutions for doctors to attach working with public health in Binh Duong", "Upgrading the "interface", losing money, facing disabilities", "Joining hands to protect birds"..., receiving the attention of a large number of readers.

Le Minh Tung, Secretary of the Party Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Binh Duong Newspaper said that with the timely attention and direction of provincial leaders, the support of departments, mass organizations and the business community, Binh Duong Newspaper has united and strived to successfully complete all assigned tasks. To meet readers’s increasing needs for information, the newspaper has constantly improved the quality of its publications. Print and electronic newspapers have had many improvements in content and form, ensuring increasingly high orientation and legitimacy, contributing to improving efficiency in propagandizing the Party and government's policies and guidelines, the State’s laws. Noticeably, the "I love Binh Duong" and Podcast programs have been received by a large number of readers and audiences from near and far... Besides its propaganda task, the newspaper has also made many efforts in successfully completing its task on press economy, contributing to taking care of and improving the material and spiritual lives of officials, reporters and employees...

“Inheriting and upholding its traditions, Binh Duong Newspaper will further focus on developing multi-media, multi-platform journalism, with focus on making digital transformation in journalism and constructive journalism. The newspaper will also further focus on improving officials and reporters’ qualifications at requirements in the new context...", Mr. Tung shared.

Reported by Do Trong-Translated by Kim Tin

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