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Yong Ho Vina Co.Ltd.’s factory opens in the Bau Bang IP

Update: 30-03-2011 | 00:00:00

 Early March 29, Yong Ho Vina Construction Co.Ltd. held a ceremony to inaugurate its steel factory in the Bau Bang Industrial Park (IP).

 Covering 1.5ha, this factory has a total investment capital of US$5mln with South Korea’s advanced production line (photo).

 According to leaders of Yong Ho Vina Construction Co.Ltd., this factory will generate high-quality steel products with competitive prices, contributing to meeting the demands of industrial manufacture and civil sectors in Vietnam.

 At the opening ceremony, Yong Ho Vina Construction Co.Ltd. also donated VND10mln to provincial Study Promotion Fund.

 Reported by Trinh Binh-Translated by K.T

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