Young armed forces nurture dreams, build great aspirations…

Monday, 27/12/2010

Provincial Military Command held an exchange program named “Young armed forces nurture dreams and build great aspirations to be worthy of being Uncle Ho’s soldiers” to mark the 66th founding anniversary of Vietnam People’s Army (Dec.22, 1944-Dec.22, 2010) and preparation for the Youth Year 2011.

 Attending the program, participants enjoyed art performance items in praise of homeland, Vietnam People’s Army and Ho Chi Minh. They also watched a documentary film named “Ho Chi Minh-Portrait of a person” and had the chance to exchange with exemplary role-models, named Nguyen Phuong Khanh, Bui Thi Kim Loan, Nguyen Thi Duong…, helping them know to overcome difficulties, make their dreams come true and live responsibly…


Reported by Diem Trinh-Translated by K.T