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Youth Month 2019 launched in Di An, Thuan An

Update: 04-03-2019 | 11:12:47

Thuan An town’s Youth Union and Youth Federation have just held a ceremony to launch the Youth Month 2019 under the theme of “Thuan An’s youths volunteering for the community”.

During the Youth Month 2019, the town’s Youth Union will concentrate on education of revolutionary ideal, morality and lifestyle among youths by many forms in association with the theme of “Youth Volunteer Year” launched by the Central Committee of the Youth Union and 50 years of the implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament; carry out youth works for the sake of the community; get involved in civilized urban and new rural construction…

At the ceremony, the town’s Youth Union implemented a youth work giving Uncle Ho’s Testament boards to its branches while donating 200 flowerpots to the Youth Union of Lai Thieu ward under a model on “One golden hour for green space”. Hundreds of the local youths also made environmental hygiene, delivered propaganda leaflets against dengue fever; gave 200 flowerpots to household, eateries along Nguyen Trai quarter in Lai Thieu ward…

*Early March 2, Di An town’s Steering Board of Children and Teenagers’ Activities held a ceremony to launch the Youth Month 2019 under the theme of “Di An’s youths volunteering for the community”.

During the Youth Month 2019, the town’s Youth Union will bend on instructing its branches to organize activities on civilized urban construction in line with the local conditions. The town’s Youth Union branches will carry out youth works such as those of making installation of Uncle Ho’s Testament boards, exercise tools free of charge at parks; giving 300 helmets; realizing “youth flower garden” works following Uncle Ho’s teachings; organize “Green Sunday” programs…

On this occasion, the town’s Youth Union donated a symbolic board of “dream” house to young workers with difficult circumstances in Binh An ward’s Sao Mai sub-union. The town’s Youth Union also handed over a “red scarf” house to poor-but-excellent pupils with a total expense of VND70million from the “Small plan” fund and donors.

Reported by N.Nhu-K.Tuyen-Translated by K.T

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