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Youth Month 2024 – volunteerism in the community

Update: 26-02-2024 | 13:04:47

Yesterday of February 25 in Lac An commune of Bac Tan Uyen district, Binnh Duong provincial Youth Development Program’s Steering Committee and the provincial Youth Union’s Executive Committee launched the Youth Month 2024, attended by Mr. Nguyen Van Loi, CPV Central Committee’s member, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Head of the provincial National Assembly delegation, Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha, the provincial Party Committee Executive Committee member, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for provincial Youth Development Program.

To drive the spread

The youth month of 2024 takes place in an atmosphere where young people strive to compete and achieve success to celebrate the congress of the Vietnam Youth Union at all levels, the 8th provincial congress of the Vietnam Youth Union for 2024-2029 term, and to commemorate the 93rd anniversary of the establishment of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26, 1931 to March 26, 2024). Under the direction of the Central Youth Union, to spread the Youth Month widely and create a high social effect, the Provincial Youth Union directs all levels of Youth Union branches to simultaneously launch activities with the theme of youth vanguard volunteering for community life.

Provincial leaders present flower bouquets to congratulate the launch of Youth Month 2024. Photo: Nhu Y

The provincial-level launching program has demonstrated and spread positive values through volunteer activities in Bac Tan Uyen district. The provincial Youth Union has introduced volunteer teams, awarded 30 scholarships navmed "Lighting up the dreams of children in Binh Duong," and provided 10 bicycles to students in difficult circumstances. In this series of activities, the provincial Youth Union also organized medical examinations, distributed medicine, and gave gifts to 100 residents in Lac An commune; launched the Tet tree planting program "Forever Grateful to President Ho Chi Minh"; commenced the repair of the "Red Scarf House"; inaugurated the project "Illuminating Rural Roads"; visited and gave gifts to families of policy beneficiaries; visited and gave gifts to the Angel's Shelter for nurturing disabled children. The activities in the initiation ceremony are a crucial precursor to the subsequent series of activities in the local youth month of the young people.

Ms. Tran Thi Diem Trinh, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, stated: "To spread the Youth Month widely throughout the province, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union has directed the youth organizations at all levels to focus on organizing simultaneous journeys to the source, visiting and giving gifts to heroic Vietnamese mothers, families of policy beneficiaries, and giving gifts to disadvantaged young people." Each youth union of hamlets and neighborhoods must establish and maintain at least 1 youth road effectively. For the district-level and grassroots youth unions, they will organize at least 1 activity to participate in building new rural areas and civilized urban areas.

The provincial youth union introduces volunteer teams and carries out the initiation ceremony of Youth Month 2024

Enthusiasm and aspiration

Together with arousing the enthusiasm, aspirations, capabilities, and creativity of young people, the Youth Month is also an occasion for all levels, sectors, and the whole society to pay attention to and take care of youth development. After the provincial-level youth month launching program, the entire Youth Union will carry out propaganda and education activities; take care of, accompany, and build a strong Youth Union, expand the solidarity front, gather youth.

The implementation of the Provincial Youth Union's deployment, the levels of the Youth Union will focus on organizing the mobilization of the vibrant emulation movement, effectively implementing the youth participation in building new rural areas, constructing civilized urban areas, participating in community digital transformation, and social welfare activities.

Ms. Tran Thi Diem Trinh added: "With the theme "Youth vanguard, volunteering for community life", the youth of Binh Duong need to promote the roles of vanguard, volunteering, creativity; dare to engage in new and challenging tasks, create many works, contribute to youth activities and build a positive image of the new generation of youth."

To promote the spirit and vitality of youth, the levels of the Youth Union, Youth Union officials, and young members in the province will strive to participate in voluntary movements, solidarity, and contribute to the implementation of various projects, tasks, and the successful realization of the youth month and political tasks at the local level.

Reported by Nhu Y – Translated by Vi Bao

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